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"Can I talk to you?" I asked as I sat down on her bed

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"Can I talk to you?" I asked as I sat down on her bed.

"Yeah, of course." She closed her laptop.

"My mom texted me, an- and she said she wanted to talk to me about something, but I don't know. I heard someone in the background it sounded like her boyfriend." I tried to explain.

"Do you want to go see what she wants?" She asked slowly.

"I mean I live there, I have to face her anyways." I shrugged.

"Okay, you know if you ever feel uncomfortable in that space you can always come over here." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much." I stood up.

"Let me go get dressed and I'll take you over there." She said and I nodded my head leaving out the room.

I really hope my mom got some sense knocked in her so she can apologize for the way she's been treating me all my life.

Growing up I was the only child so I really had no one to turn to for my problems. Usually people would go to their grandparents but mine died when I was little.

I just want my mom to appreciate me and be there for me like a parent should be. It's not my fault with what happened to her but she doesn't see it that way.

She blames me for ruining her life when in reality it's my father's fault.


When we got to my house I was nervous. I don't know why because I lived through all this my whole life.

"Call me if you need me." She said.

"Okay I will." I got out the car and went inside of my house.

I saw my mother's boyfriend sitting down on the couch drinking beer with a cigarette in his hand watching football.

"She in the kitchen." He said with his eyes still glued on the television.

I walked to the kitchen and sat my bag on the island sitting down. "Hey momma." I tried to smile.

"Where you been at?" She asked with a frown.

"Oh- I was at a friend's house." I said.

"No, where were you all night?" She asked sternly.

"I went out with someone." I said.

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