Chapter 1 : Secrets + Lies

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Chapter 1- Secrets and Lies

Cleo's POV

I leant against the side of the car with a sigh, relaxing for a mere moment before Lewis' head emerged again from where it had been furrowing in the boot. He passed me yet another box, this one open, visibly containing decorative pillows and some of our toiletries bags which were sticking out of the top. With difficulty, I changed my grasp of the box as I turned around to walk inside and dump the box.

"That's it" Lewis said from behind me. I sighed, thinking of all the unpacking that awaited us as I continued in my path.

Leaning the box against the door I put my foot against the bottom, resting the box on my leg as I twisted the door handle open. Walking in, yet again, I saw Kim coming down the stairs. I silently waited for the mockery.

"I still can't believe you're moving back here" she said with a disgusted frown.

"I can't believe that you're still here" I bit back.

Dad walked out of the kitchen hearing our argument. "Nonsense girls. Both of you are always welcome here. Kim, you've made a good choice staying here for now, and Cleo, you and Lewis are wise to move back and get off to a good start financially."

I gave Dad a fake smile as he wrapped his arms around my back in a tight squeeze momentarily while I was on my way upstairs. Behind me, Lewis remained silent, following in my footsteps. He was too wise to get caught up in a fight between Kim & I, and he was to wise to meddle with one of Dad's lectures.

I entered my previously former, but now current childhood bedroom and plonked the box at the end of the bed, where it joined all it's other box friends that held all of mine & Lewis' possessions inside. Walking over to the bare bed, I sat on the end of it, joined by Lewis as he put the final box on top a pile of others in the corner of my, well our, room.

"I'm sorry Cleo" he said as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug, kissing my cheek.

"It's not your fault. I'm just as much to blame" I shrugged.

"Yeah, but still, I shouldn't have let it get this bad. I should've seen it coming."

"I feel guilty hiding everything from Dad & Sam" I said as I snuggled into my husband's arm, leaning on him as he rested his chin atop my head.

"Don't worry, we'll work it out" he added, in attempt to reassure me, tightening his grasp.

A faint smile threatened to cross my lips.

"Yeah we're a team" I said as I squeezed his hand that I'd been playing with.

Pressing one last kiss on top of my brunette locks, Lewis got off the bed. "We've got some unpacking to do!"

I smiled and got up, following Lewis.

Maybe things will be okay...


Walking downstairs several hours later, I walked into a shout.


Frowning at the unexpected yell from Kim who was sitting on the lounge, I continued walking down.

"What is it Kim?" Dad asked, emerging from his study.

"Can you take me to the chemist?"

He replied with a frown. "Why?"

"I need to get earplugs. Cleo & Lewis' room is right across from mine."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at my sister's immaturity as I sat down next to Lewis on the lounge, while he flicked through one of my Dad's fishing magazines. He'd stopped packing about half an hour before I did. "Don't even go there Kimmy."

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