Snow War-Ruscan

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     This fic is inspired by a short comic I found on Tumblr called bog bees full credit to them. Thank you for allowing me to make a fic from your wonderful artwork. Might not be a good fic but worth a shot. Enjoy My friends.


      <Canada POV>

    Russia and I stook in the back of Russia's large estate, we both admired the beautiful scenery the pure white snow had created. Despite both of us being used to snow and cold weather, we felt cold enough to feel the need to wear some heat. Well, mostly me, Russia, rarely took off his coat and would wear it in just about any type of weather. He also had a teal scarf on that his sister Katya(Ukraine, I believe that is her human name) had made for him. I, on the other hand, have a teal sweater that Ivan had bought for me when we went to Saint Petersburg.

    Ivan was currently watching some mountain birds hop around in the snow. The peace was ruined when an idea popped into my mind. It was a childish idea but I carried out the small plan I had formed in my head. I squatted down collecting a pile of snow in my hand forming a medium-sized ball. Slowly and carefully I walked closer to the peaceful Russian, I quickly jumped in the air, lifting the snow-ball over my head.

    As Newton's second law states "the rate of change of momentum of a body over time is directly proportional to the force applied, and occurs in the same direction as the applied force." That being said, the force applied by me pushing the ball of snow toward Ivan was perhaps slightly stronger than expected. It seems that my calculations were incorrect.

    As the impact hit the taller man's head he turned to face me with a face of sudden confusion. I laughed at his confusion, despite the many days I've spent with Russia I was never prepared to face the utterly adorable face of confusion. I knew the other man hated when he was described as cute. You see, he liked it when others feared him but I knew deep down he never truly means to scare people well at least not me.

    And so my fit of laughter ended when a sudden cold force hit me in the face. I wiped the sudden attack off my face to see that Ivan had thrown a snowball at me. That folk is when the "snow war" began. Many small attacks were thrown left and right, snow flying everywhere completely disrupting the small period of peace. We both had the same idea of building small trenches to fortify us from incoming attacks.

    One thing I knew was that he was taking this little game seriously, he even took off his coat. Something he rarely did outdoors. It was moments like these where I realized that Ivan's years of experience were giving him the upper hand. I was losing ground and was backed into a corner. I wasn't going to admit my defeat even if it killed me but thankfully an idea popped to mind. This time it was an idea that would end this little snow war.

    <Russia's POV>

    It didn't take long to have gained the upper hand in this little war Matvey had started. As always general winter was by my side helping me win this battle securing me a good victory which we would both celebrate with Vodka. I had closed the majority of ground between us to the point I could see his teal hoodie poking out from the side of his trench.

    I laughed silently in my head, just because the smaller Canadian was my lover didn't mean I would go easy on him. He should have known that he would lose this war from the start. I noticed that the Canadian's attacks have stopped, perhaps he has accepted his fate. I walked to the other's trench only to be faced with a snowman wearing Mathves hoodie.

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