Chapter 10

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< CW - slight panic attack >

The next morning I wake up a little disoriented. I blink open my eyes to find myself laying on a broad chest; white tee draped over a solid figure. I jerk away in surprise, only to be met with a soft grumble and gently pulled back, the comforting and familiar smell of coffee grounds surrounding me. The panic quickly turns into embarrassment and my memories of last night come flooding back; the rooftop, the crying, the confessions, the people, the kissing, and... Eijiro. I blush and relax against his bed-warmed chest again, feeling his arm tighten slightly around me.

I almost died yesterday.

I would've if not for Eijiro, I realize. I would've gone through with it.

The bedcovers rustle as I slowly shift myself up until I'm gazing at his face.

Just last night, I remember, I had thought would be my last night with him. My last chance to touch his face and feel his presence and soak up his positivity. I'm so fucking glad I'm not dead right now, although I never thought I'd think those words. I reach out a hand to trace over his face gently, mirroring what I did last night, and tenderly brush some stray hair off his forehead. He sighs in his sleep and pulls me closer, shifting slightly, and I press my face into his shirt, burrowing down into his chest and closing my eyes. I love him so much.

I end up falling asleep after a couple minutes, but a half an hour or so later I'm woken up again, by him pressing gentle kisses to my face and jaw, murmuring softly, "Katsukiiiiii, time to wake up, sleepy head."

I groan in embarrassment and move my face back down so it's against his chest, feeling him laugh. "C'mon Kat, the day awaits."

I groan, barely holding back a smile, and bring my face back up so our noses are touching. "What's in it for me?" I grumble, nuzzling into the side of his face.

"Well you get to spend the day with your fabulous, amazing, handsome boyfriend-" He starts, and I roll my eyes.

"Someone's got a massive ego today."

He pouts and begins to pull away a little, but I tug him back, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "Although to be fair, those are all valid points. My boyfriend is the most fabulous, amazing, and handsome of them all. But he shouldn't let it go to his head."

Kirishima grins, flushed, and presses a soft kiss against my mouth. "Actually I was hoping we could do something together today." He murmurs against my lips, pressing another kiss to them. Jesus Christ, I feel like I'm fucking melting when this bastard kisses me. It's completely unfair.

"What were you thinking of?"

"I don't know. Honestly, anything is fine as long as I can be with you." His gaze flicks up to mine in time to catch the redness spreading across my cheeks and I grumble, looking away. My hands skim lightly over his heated back as I ponder. Now that I think about it, today could be a good chance to do a couple things.

"Actually... I've got something we can do."

Short Time Skip Brought to You by Chrollo's Tiddies

By the time we've arrived at the entrance to the junkyard I've started to regret my idea. I had wanted to show him my progress so far, but now the thought of him seeing what I'd been working on for the past couple months is... rather embarrassing. This was my first attempt at mechanics, although I had helped my dad repair his car several times in the distant years of my childhood, but I was obviously an amatuer and had been following Yourtube tutorials for pretty much the entire thing. I knew that it looked pretty ragged and... I was afraid that maybe he wouldn't even be able to tell what it is.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now