Chapter 11

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< CW - depression, pills, self harm mention >

My heavy footsteps thump on the wooden stairs as I make my way up to my room, the air still and quiet other than the sound of Ejiro behind me.

I've only been away for the better part of a week, but it feels like months have passed. My room has dependably stayed the same throughout it all though, and a feeling of nostalgia washes over me as I take in the familiar surroundings.

The last time I had been here, so much had been different.

I crouch down to begin packing some of my stuff into a bag as Eijiro wanders around, poking through my books (arranged by author) and gazing at everything with wide eyes.

His fingers slide over the posters of bands covering my walls and he spots the printed out pictures I've got pinned around; one of my and mom on my 17th birthday, a past skateboard of mine, the dog I used to have, a couple selfies, and one of me and Eijiro we had taken together a couple months ago.

I can hear his breathing hitch when he sees it, tacked up next to my bed, and he traces the outlines of our faces. He's grinning ear to ear in it and I'm looking at it begrudgingly, my face saying I don't want to do this, why the fuck am I here clearly, although you can see the slight tinge of pink on my ears. That was before I had known I liked him, and to be honest I had never really thought about the reason I stuck it on my wall. Guess I know now though.

"We should take more pictures of us Kat," he says, his smile warming his words. "I like this one."

I roll my eyes but can't help and smile as well while his back is still turned. "Sure, whatever Shitty Hair." I finish stuffing my clothes into the bag and stand up, walking over to my bathroom.

My mirror clatters against the wall as I rifle through the shelves in it, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. My brows furrow as I look through the mostly empty rack, searching for the yellow prescription bottle with my anxiety meds. Did I put it on my nightstand by accident?

When I walk back into my bedroom Eijiro is on the bed with one of my pillows pressed up against his face. His head jumps back up when he hears my footsteps, cheeks dusted red, and clears his throat awkwardly.

"I-I, uh.. I've just- wanted to see your room for a while now.." He chuckles embarrassedly, letting the pillow fall back onto the bed, and I roll my eyes as a small smile slides up the corners of my mouth at the thought of him thinking about what my room looks like.

Before I can stop myself I take a couple steps towards him and kiss him lightly on the forehead, pulling back so I can crouch down beside him to go through my nightstand drawers. He hums happily, looking over my shoulder.

"What are you looking for?"

I pause slightly. "I left my anxiety meds here. I think that might've been why things... escalated so quickly this time. I'm supposed to be taking them every day.." I trail off, knowing how he's going to react.

"Katsuki! Why didn't you tell me?! We could've gotten them sooner!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just forgot, don't get your panties in a wad. I'll be fine now." I lift up a pile of shirts with a huff, revealing a small old red box, and let them drop them back on top of it, hoping Eijiro didn't see. I really need to throw that away.

He sighs in exasperation behind me, "Katsuki, this is serious! You-"

I sit down next to him, and he stops talking as I let my head fall against his shoulder.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now