Chapter 9

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< CW - Suicide attempt, depression >


I jerk backwards, stomach lurching as my eyes fly open. I could've sworn I just heard Kiri's voice. I turn around, hope rising in my chest, only to see the cold cement walls.

I knew I was just imagining things. Kirishima's at the concert right now; there's no way he could even know where I am. Stop trying to tell yourself someone cares.

I'm building up the courage to fall once more, whenever I hear Kirishima yell again. "BAKUGOU DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

I stumble backward, knowing I didn't imagine it this time. But wait, what?- The sounds of frantic footsteps coming from the stairwell echo up onto the roof, and I can only watch as Kirishima bursts through the door, panting and panicked. His eyes widen at the sight of me.


"Please, Kirishima, don't-" I say quietly, the words captured by the wind howling on the roof. I know he can't hear me.

This is for the best, this is for the best, this is for the best and you know it you disgusting piece of shit-

I smile at him, lips trembling, and mouth, "I'm sorry". He vehemently shakes his head back and forth, tears running down his cheeks, and I can see the pain in his eyes. The pain I'm causing, yet again. It's my fault, it's always my fault.

He takes a step forward as if to stop me, but he's almost 40 feet away. He knows he won't make it in time. We both do.

"BAKUGOU, PLEASE, BAKUGOU!" He begs, almost screaming, the wind tearing at his frantic words until I can barely hear them. I can see the panic written over his face, the anguish, and just as I'm about to close my eyes again the wind seems to stop long enough for his strangled words to carry across the wind-blown cement. Wait wait wait, what did he just...

The sound of the wind falls away, as though a curtain were dropped around us, as his choked out words, "I- I love you too, kat-" hang, gripped almost wrathfully in the charged air.



My eyes flinch open to see him crumpling to the ground, covering his face with his hands, frame wracked with shuddering sobs.

What did he just say? He... He....

He what?- Did, did I mishear that?-

I swallow, throat uncomfortably dry for some reason, and take a step forward, away from the edge, to see him glance back up at me. He scrambles to his feet when he sees me just staring at him, and takes a couple hesitant steps towards me, before breaking out into a run. I stumble towards him, although the air feels thick, as if I'm underwater.

We meet halfway and he collides into me, the world coming rushing back in a torrent of sound, and he's wrapping me in his arms so tight I can hardly breathe. As we sink to the ground together he doesn't let go, whispering, "Oh my god oh my god oh my god," over and over into my hair. I can feel the hot tears dripping down his face. One lands on my collar bone, followed by another, and another. His breath is coming in rapid pants, probably from sprinting up so many stairs, and he runs his hands repeatedly over my back, as if trying to convince himself that I'm really there.

"Oh my god Bakugou, oh my god," I feel tears start to prick at my eyes too, and I curl into his chest, fingers clutching at the back of his shirt. It feels... right, to be here. "You fucking idiot, you fucking idiot, YOU FUCKING IDIOT, HOW COULD YOU?!" He yells, pulling away and grabbing my shoulders with shaking hands. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! Jesus Christ, I- I- oh my god." His voice crumples like a tin can, and he starts to outright sob, pressing his forehead to my shoulder.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now