Chapter 1

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Warning - This is gonna be angsty and depressing my ladies, gents, and all in between. Buckle up for the ride. 

< CW for the story- depression, anxiety, suicide, death, graphic wound description, panic/anxiety attacks, pills, semi- implied eating disorder, self harm >

< CW for this chap- suicide mention >

lettuce begin the story :D

"BAAAKKUUGGOOOOUUU!" The shout carries through the cramped school hallway. As the heads nearest to me start to turn, a nauseating wave of horror barely has the chance to crash over me before someone slams into my side, almost toppling me over into the people standing next to us.

"I swear tO GOD KIRISHIMA!" I grit out, checking my volume at the last minute so as to not get another suspension due to noise (not like that had happened before or anything) and shoving him off. This can't be a good start to a Monday morning. I can feel people staring at us as I growl, my ears burning, and pick up my books that had fallen during the commotion. "The fuck do you want with me Shitty Hair?"

He smiles widely - almost blindingly, Jesus Christ - and my eyes can't help but dart down to his uniquely sharp teeth for a moment before flicking back up. His face doesn't display even the slightest bit of remorse, and I sigh, anger already draining away. It's hard to stay mad at him for long.

"Just felt like sayin' hi to my good buddy Bakubro! Nothin' wrong with that, right?" He laughs - He's gonna ask for a favor, isn't he, I think - and picks up the last of my spilled books, dropping them into my hands. "So! How's it goin'?"

I roll my eyes, exhaling wearily. I'm too tired for this shit right now. I barely got any sleep last night- I'd lost track of time working on my project- and had ended up coming home around midnight. "I was doing great 'til you showed up, dumbfuck! What the fuck were you thinking, barreling into me like that? Do you know how many people were staring at us?!" It comes out as a whisper-shout, in an attempt to shake the grating attention.

He chooses to ignore my comment, looping his arm through mine and dragging me along to our first class. I can feel the prying eyes falling away, and the tight feeling in my chest fades just a little. "Ok ok, I'll get to the point now- did you know there's gonna be an Unreasonable Amount of Pilots concert on Friday night? At the Koko ni Sutajiamu-Mei o Sōnyū Shimasu Stadium (ここにスタジアム名を挿入します)?! And Mina said she has extra tickets! Do you wanna come with me?"

"Let go of my arm you dumbass- and I don't care. Sounds lame."

"Great! Wanna carpool? It starts at 8. We could have a sleepover afterward!"

My teeth grit together before I roll my eyes, sighing in exasperation. Nothing will persuade this idiot not to drag me along at this point. I did hear their recent song the other day and it was... kinda cool I guess. I mean it's not like I have anything better to do on Friday anyways, although that does mean I'd have to be around people, something I tend to avoid these days- due to bitchy social anxiety and the idiotic fucksticks known as other people. These morons- the "bakusquad", as they've dubbed themselves (without my consent, might I add)- also have a bad habit of corralling me into being their designated driver whenever we go out.

Since they all turned 18 last year it's just been them sneaking into bar after bar, and usually roping me into that job since apparently I "usually drink the least out of all of us anywaysss, and you don't mind right Bakubb?" I assume this concert is also going to have alcohol (and people unfortunately), so maybe it'd be better to stay home.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now