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< no CWs :) >

The sound of the engine roaring to life fills the still air, accompanied by Eijiro's small giggles and the scuffling sound of my boots against the worn dirt. It's a pleasantly cool September day, the leaves having just started to fall off the trees, and small patches of them line the edges of the junkyard me and Eijiro are stumbling about in. Today is our 6 month anniversary, which is the reason why I picked today to show Ei what I'd been working on.

I had finally finished my motorcycle, after a year of sweat, endless encouragement from my boyfriend, and... maybe a couple tears; but he's fully done now. I've already taken him on a couple short test drives around the block (had to make sure he was safe to ride on before taking Ei out on him), and found him to work perfectly, much to my mounting excitement; but this will be the first time I've ever taken Eijiro out on him.

He clings to my waist, his helmet pressed against my back, and a grin slashes across my face. "Ready?"

"Definitely Kats, show me how awesome he is!"

The smell of exhaust fills the air, something I've gotten used to and actually don't mind as much as I used to, and I tell him to pick his feet up off the ground while I push with one of mine, revving the electric starter on the right handlebar, and jolt it into first gear and press on the gas with the other. The bike lurches forward- and for a moment there I'm scared there's too much weight on it- but then we're flying.

The wind rushes past my arms, and my stomach swoops dizzyingly out from under me- left at the junkyard- but I can't bring myself to care. I feel Eijiro let out a squeak and cling tighter to my waist, fingers grappling into my shirt, and I can't stop the unrestrained laugh that bursts from my lungs as I maneuver us out of the junkyard, and shift into second gear. I feel.. free. I feel like I could do anything I wanted right now, and the warmth from Eijiro behind me only spurs me on and we zoom down the street.

I press it into third gear as we pick up speed, houses whizzing by on either side, the pretty camellia blossoms lining the road turning into streaks of pink. Eijiro's relaxed into it now, and leans into the next curve, his thighs tightening around my hips. I can tell he's enjoying this too, from the whoop he lets out, and my shoulders tense as I slide forward in the seat a little, feeling the vibrations from the motorcycle spread through my chest.

I know that there's no place I'd rather be in this moment. We take the next exit onto some suburban highway, and I speed up a gear since there's not that many cars around us.

Eijiro yells something behind me that's lost in the wind, and I shout, "What?" back in a futile attempt to get him to repeat it so that I can hear. He presses up behind me, cramming his chest against my back, warmth spilling onto me through his tee-shirt and shouts "I fucking love you Katsuki," next to my ear, his grin evident in his voice. Happiness blooms inside me - fuck Eijiro's literally so perfect - and I feel something in my heart fill, affection spreading through my chest in almost painfully intense waves. "I fucking love you too Ei," I shout back, hoping he can't hear my voice crack from the emotions flooding me; and I know the wind carries the words to him as I press into fifth gear, not looking back for the first time in my life as I soar towards our future.

The End

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now