Chapter 2

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< CW - depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, death>

After a quick, uneventful trip to the gym, I'm heading home. It's around seven now so that old hag can't get too mad at me for being late, although she'll probably be a little miffed; most likely going to give me another one of those responsibility speeches, but as I pull into the driveway I notice that her car isn't there yet. The fuck? She's almost always on time. Well who knows, maybe there's traffic or some shit. At least now I don't have to get yelled at for being late.

I stop the car and walk inside, heading to the kitchen so that when she arrives dinner will be ready (not giving her a reason to say I'm lazy), and tie an apron around my waist before deciding to make some sort of chicken stir-fry thing. I tend to make up the recipes as I go along, and they usually turn out pretty well, so I've learned to trust my gut when it comes to cooking.

After half an hour I'm starting to get a little miffed about why the old hag isn't here yet... She's always yammering to me about being late, the hypocrite. Tch. I pick my phone up from the counter to call her, but after one ring it immediately goes to voicemail, leaving me staring blankly down at the screen. She must've turned her phone off or something. Maybe she forgot she was going to come over tonight, but she could've at least texted me for God's sake. Annoyance starts to set in and I sneer at myself for still thinking about why she's late. That hag better be here soon or else I'm eating without her.

I set the table and wait.





Where the hell is she?! I angrily eat my stir-fry, breaking the first pair of chopsticks I use and checking the time every five minutes.

Fuck my anxiety! God damn it. I know I took my medication this morning, why am I so nervous?! I go to my bathroom and rummage around until I find the bottle, swallowing another dosage with some water because why the hell not? I pace a little, annoyance uncomfortably starting to mix with nervousness, and text spamming the old hag although none of the messages are going through. Maybe she's somewhere without Wifi? I catch myself heading towards the door before stopping in my tracks.

What's wrong with me today? I don't even care about that old fucking hag, she can go and die for all I care. I aggressively run my fingers through my head and turn away from the door, stomping back into the kitchen. I'm going to bed. I put the food away and clean the kitchen before heading to my bedroom, and as I climb into bed I decide to not give a shit. I'll text her in the morning and ask why she didn't show. I'm done thinking about this.

The next morning I wake up slowly, blinking open my eyes at the light streaming through my window towards me. Why is it so bright?... The fuck? It's usually not this bright so early in the morning. I sit up and rub at my eyes, grabbing my phone only to see that it's dead. Wait. WAIT SHIT I didn't wake up to the sound of an alarm, fuck fuck fuck! I'm late, Goddamn it!

I launch myself out of bed, jogging into the kitchen to check the time on the stove to see that I'm already a half-hour late for school. FUCK. I hurriedly pull on a tank top, flannel, and some jeans before grabbing my school bag and running out the door. I drive to school and messily swerve my car into a parking spot. My phone's still dead since I didn't have time to charge it this morning so I have no idea what time it is. As I run into school nobody's in the halls so I assume I've missed first period and am probably late for second. I hurry to the room and hesitate outside the door for a moment, before deciding fuck it and opening the door, hoping to inconspicuously make it to my seat with minimal questioning. I quietly open the door, only to be greeted by an uncomfortable silence as I walk in, feeling people's stares follow me around the room while I walk to a seat in the back next to Dunce Face, the only other person I know in my class. The teacher almost looks guilty for some reason, which I suppose is better than being yelled at for being late. What the hell is going on though?...

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now