Hide and Seek, and an Awkward Statement

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The group ate their food in relative silence for a while, before Draco spoke up, tugging gently on Harry's sleeve. "Hawwy? I aww done." He stated proudly. The toddler had syrup all over his face, hands and shirt. He was extremely sticky, and now so was Harry's sleeve. Harry looked down at him and chuckled softly.

"You're also very messy Dragon. Why don't we head back to our flat so I can get you all cleaned up, and when they finish eating our friends can come spend time with us?" Harry asked the last part of the sentence to the rest of the group as well, who all nodded their agreement.

"Otay Hawwy." The toddler reached his arms out towards Harry. "Ups?" He asked.

"Of course." Harry picked Draco up and stood. "You guys can come by whenever you finish, and Pansy, Blaise is welcome too. We'll see you then. Bye guys." He said.

"Bye bye!" Draco said, waving."

Harry smiled and walked back off to their flat. This was shaping up to be a good day. He just hoped it would stay that way.

Once they got back, Harry sat Draco down on the counter in the bathroom. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back with a change of clothes for you, okay?"

"Otay." Draco replied, swinging his legs.

"Good." Harry smiled, then walked off to Draco's bedroom. He picked out a green tee, and some jeans for the toddler. He walked back into the bathroom, happy to see Draco still sitting there calmly. He sat the clothes down on the counter, then lifted Draco up off the counter and let him stand on the floor. He started to fill the bath. He then fished through the cupboards, pleased to find some bath toys for Draco. He placed the plastic boats and rubber ducks into the water. "You ready for a bath Dragon?"

"Mhm!" Draco replied.

Harry smiled at the young boy's enthusiasm towards something as mundane as taking a bath. He undressed him and placed him in the water, watching fondly as he splashed around in the water some. Harry couldn't suppress a chuckle when he picked up one of the plastic boats and looked at it confused, almost as if he was inspecting it. He did the same to one of the rubber ducks before looking at Harry.

"Hawwy? What are these?" He asked.

"They're special toys for the bath, it's for you to play with." Harry said, his smile never fading. Sometimes the toddler was just too cute.

"Oh otay!" Draco said, beaming. He started pushing the boat and the ducks around, giggling and smiling as he did so. Harry let him play for a while.

"Okay Dragon, even though it looks like you're having a lot of fun there, I gotta wash that syrup off of you and get you dressed so you can play with Ron, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise." Harry said, grabbing a washcloth before washing the boy off. Draco sat there patiently and waited for Harry to be done.

After Harry had finished washing him off, he picked up and out of the bath and dried him off, before dressing Draco. He drained the bath and put the toys away before picking Draco up and setting him on his hip. He walked out to the living room, and set Draco down there. "You stay here, I'm gonna go change my shirt, okay?"

"Otay Hawwy." Draco crossed his legs, sitting nicely on the couch.

Have gave Draco a smile, and went to change. When he came back, he was pleasantly surprised to see Ron, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise sitting there, Pansy and Hermione sweetly interacting and talking with Draco, eliciting giggles from the boy. He broke out in a big smile when Draco saw him enter the room and ran over to him, jumping up onto him, attaching himself to Harry's leg.

"Hawwy!" He said excitedly, smiling widely. "Our friends here." He stated, making Pansy and Hermione smile.

"Oh are they?" Harry said, picking Draco up.

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now