Hospital Wing

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A/N: I wanna thank you guys for reading, those who have come back, and those who are new. Comments are greatly appreciated, however anything rude will not be tolerated. Thanks!

"Harry, before I answer that, I'm going to have to ask you to stay calm." Madam Pomfrey replied.

"Stay calm! How am I supposed to stay calm when I know that there is something wrong with Draco?" Harry hissed, careful not to raise his voice too much and scare Draco.

"Mr. Potter. Please. Now if you could be so considerate to be quiet and listen, that would be lovely."

"Sorry Madam Pomfrey." Harry replied sheepishly.

"Thank you Harry. Now the reason I asked you to remain calm is because after what I'm going to tell you, you will have a very valid reason to get worked up, and it would be good if you restrained yourself from doing so." She paused, looking over at Draco, who was patiently waiting on the bed, with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. "I'm afraid that Draco has been abused."

Harry's eyes widened. No, Draco couldn't have. They wouldn't. "How bad is it?" Is he okay? If he's not okay will he be okay?

"He's been malnourished and beaten, and quite possibly locked away in a room for periods of time."

Memories of from when Harry was that age came flooding back. The Dursley's had treated him the same way. He'd had to go home and endure that every year, and he'd have to go back again this summer, and face it again. No kid should ever have to go through what he did, and Harry was going to make sure that as long as Draco was in his care, no one would mis-treat him in that way ever again. "No one should ever have to go through that. He won't go through it again while he's with me, I... I understand too well."

Madam Pomfrey nodded. "I know Harry, which is one of the reasons I knew you would get to upset over this. But, it's also one of the reasons I didn't hesitate to tell you. I know you won't treat him any different- apart from maybe spoiling him a bit more."

"Thank you for telling me. Actually, a lot of things make sense now...." Harry was silent for a moment. "This morning, after he came and woke me up, I reached out to the side for my glasses, and he seemed to think I was going to hurt him. Which makes sense, knowing he was hurt with his family. And he's also really timid around others. If anyone raises their voice at him he seems to condemn them to a lifetime of being afraid of them. He's come to like Ron and Hermione, but he's terrified of Professor Snape."

"Well I'll talk to Severus about being gentler with him, if he's scared of him, attending class and keeping him calm will be difficult."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey. I'm a little late for Transfiguration, could you send me with a note or something? I don't wanna get detention-"

"Of course Harry." Pomfrey walked over to a table, where she had parchment. She grabbed a piece, and wrote Harry a note to give to McGonagall explaining why he was late. She handed the paper to him. "Here you go."

"Thanks. Me and Draco should get going-"

"Yes, you should. You don't want to miss any more class than necessary, so along with you two now."

Harry smiled, walking back over to Draco. "Come on Draco, we gotta go to class."

"Otay Hawwy!" He reached for Harry, who then picked him up. Draco snuggled into Harry's shoulder.

Harry smiled and kissed Draco's head softly, a habit he had picked up whenever Draco snuggled into him like this. He walked out of the room and into the hallway.


"Yes Draco?"

"What did the doctor lady say? Am I healthy?"

Harry looked down at the boy in his arms, eyes threatening to start watering, thinking about what Madam Pomfrey had just told him, thinking about all the pain that this poor boy had gone through. Thinking about how things he did now and things he had done before the incident made so much more sense knowing what he had gone through. Thinking about how much pain Draco had been through, about how they were actually very similar in that way. Wondering if Draco still had to endure that pain through it like he does. He looked at the boy with so much sympathy. "Yes Draco, you're completely healthy! Nothing wrong!" He answered, not being able to bring himself to tell the boy what he knew, that he knew he had been severely hurt. He didn't want to bring up the memories and upset him, he knew that if someone would have brought it up to him at that age he would have gone into hysterics.

"Yay!!" Draco cheered.

Harry smiled sadly down at him. "Now let's get to class, yeah?" He started to head to transfiguration. 

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now