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A/N:Heyyyy...... so i'm back... got the epilouge written finally.... Sorry for putting it off for so long


*Unspecified amount of time later*

"Harry no!"

"Harry yes!" Harry jumped onto Draco's back, despite the blond's complaints.

"Ugh, you're heavy, get off my back!" Draco mumbled.

"No." Harry giggled and wrapped his arms tighter around Draco. "Onward!"

"Absolutely not, this ends now." Draco tipped Harry off his back and onto the couch, stopping himself from falling down as well.

Harry smiled. "Ah, no, I've been defeated!" He yelled dramatically. "How ever shall I recover!"

"You're such a loser, scoot over." Draco waited for Harry to sit up and move over, and then he sat down next to him. "We practically live here now don't we? I haven't been back to the Slytherin dorms in I don't know how long,"

"I haven't been back to Gryffindor either." Harry leaned his head against Draco's shoulder. "I'm glad the Room Of Requirement exists" He smiled softly. "I get to spend so much more time with you because of it." His smile faded. "I'm really not looking forward to summer- I usually don't anyways but this year... this year I'm looking forward to it even less, I didn't even think that was possible."

"I'm not looking forward to it either...and I'm not happy with you going to the Dursley's either." Draco spat the name 'Dursley.' It practically left a bad taste in his mouth, his contempt for the muggles so strong. "Promise you'll owl me everyday? And tell me if they start abusing you- I might be able to work something out." There was a mischievous/bordering on dangerous glint in Malfoy's eyes as he spoke.

"Draco, as much as I hate my aunt and uncle, please don't hurt them." Harry paused for a moment. "Besides, I've been contemplating asking the Weasley's if I could stay with them at the burrow this summer, but I'm afraid Mrs. Weasley would have to be restrained if she found out what my family had been doing to me over the years- that woman is terrifying."

"Really? That's how you describe your best friend's mother? Terrifying?" Draco chuckled, putting an arm around Harry.

"It' s better than how I'd describe my boyfriend's father." Harry deadpanned.

"And how would you describe him?" Draco asked.

"A scumbag who deserves to die in a hole, alone, abandoned by everything and everyone who he ever cared about for even a second in his life."

"My father doesn't care about anyone, except himself." Draco was silent for a minute, before bringing the conversation back to the Weasley's. "Well, Harry, I think you should stay at the burrow. I don't want you anywhere near people who hurt you, and I know that the Weasley's love you, hell, Ron is practically your brother. I'm sure they would have no problem taking you in for the summer." Draco kissed the top of Harry's head.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to Ron about it." Both boys were silent for a while, the only noise you could hear was the faint crackling of a fire burning in the fireplace.

After some time, there was a knock on the door. Reluctantly, Harry got up from his seat and went over to the door, opening it.

"Hey there lovebirds, we're bored, so you guys open to play a game?" Blaise was standing in the doorframe, Ron, Hermione and Pansy all standing behind him.

"Sure, come on in guys." Harry smiled, and let them in.

"We should play Monopoly."

"Absolutely not- that games takes bloody forever and we always end up fighting and sometimes someone even flips the board."

"That's part of the fun- besides you're only saying that because you always lose. The game's fun when you're good at it."

"Shut up Blaise."

"Whatever you say, Weasley." Blaise chuckled. "So if not Monopoly, then what else could we play?

"What about UNO?" Hermione suggested. "I actually don't think we've played before, and it's simple enough to understand.

"That sounds good to me." Pansy said. "What about you guys?"

"Whatever, doesn't matter to me." Harry said.

"I'm with Harry on this one."

"Sounds interesting, we can try it."

"If I can win it, I'll play it."

As if on cue, a box of UNO showed up, along with a small table just big enough to sit all six of them comfortably. Hermione explained the rules, and they started to play.

Blaise smiled over-sweetly at Pansy, before playing his card. "Draw four." he grinned. "Oh- and look at that- uno!"

"You little-" Pansy grumbled as she picked up her four cards.

The play continued around the table till it got back to Blaise, who smiled madly as he practically threw his last card down onto the pile. "I win!" He chuckled.

"Blaise, and I mean this with a heart full of love, I despise you." Draco said.

Blaise just grinned. "Anyone up for another round?"

"Absolutely not." Harry said, the rest of them agreeing.

Blaise chuckled, and as Harry stood up, seeing his friends laughing and smiling, and Draco holding his hand, he knew that everything was going to go perfectly fine in the end.

A/N: So that's it for this story, I might be posting the beginnings of another one here sometime relatively soon, but I'll post with more details on that later. Also, I want to thank all of you for reading, and any of you who came back, for waiting for this short little epilogue for so long, and I want to apologize for making you wait so long.

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now