Board Games

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The five teenagers ate their lunch and talked for a while. Not long after they had all eaten enough, Draco woke up, full of energy. The toddler bounced up and down in Harry's lap. "Hawwy! Hawwy I wanna pway a game!" He said.

"Yeah?" Harry ruffled his hair. "Well what game do you wanna play?"

"Hold on I go get it!" Draco jumped up off Harry's lap and ran into his room, shuffling through his closet before grabbing a game off the shelf and running back to Harry. "Dis one!" He said, holding the box to Harry.

"I didn't even know there were board games in there, much less muggle ones." Harry said. "You wanna play Candyland then Draco?"

"Mhm! It looks fun!" Draco sat on the floor, opening up the box and carefully taking the game pieces out, frowning when he only saw four game pieces. He quickly ran to his room and got a car, then came back into the living room. "Dere's not enough in the box so me and Hawwy will be the car!"

Harry chuckled. "You're adorable Draco." He ruffled the toddlers hair. "Okay, lets sit and play a game then?"

Everyone agreed. "Never played this before, cause well it's a muggle game. But I'm sure you've played it before, haven't you Harry? It's not too complicated?" Blaise asked.

"Actually, I've never played before. I wasn't really allowed... but I've seen my aunt and uncle play with my cousin, briefly, before I had to go make dinner or do a chore of some sort, but from what I've seen, it looks pretty simple." Harry said. "But Hermione's probably played before, I'm sure she can explain it."

"Wait, what do you mean, 'you weren't allowed'? You just said your cousin played it, so it wasn't a 'no fun' or whatever rule in your house, so why weren't you allowed?" Pansy asked.

"It wasn't so much a 'no fun' rule, it was, and is, more of a 'no fun for Harry' rule. They're not exactly the nicest people. But I mean I lived under the stairs for eleven years, not being able to play a boardgame was pretty par for the course." Harry said, unbothered.

"Under the stairs? What kind of monsters are your family?" Pansy said.

"I don't even know Pansy, they just really don't like me."

Hermione cleared her throat. "Anyways, Harry was right about me playing before, and it's a little kid game, so it's pretty simple." Hermione explained the game to them.

They played Candyland a couple of times, then they played some other board games that Draco found in his closet. They stayed in for dinner, Harry making some chicken he found in the fridge. After they ate, they watched a couple of kiddie movies with Draco. It wasn't long before the toddler was fast asleep in Harry's arms, cuddled close into him.

"Looks like someone fell asleep there Harry." Blaise said, chuckling a little as he spoke.

"Yeah, it does. I'm gonna go lay him down." Harry stood up, hoping the movement wouldn't wake Draco up, but he wasn't so lucky.

Draco lifted his head a little, still half-asleep. "Hawwy? Where we goin?" He asked sleepily.

"I'm going to go lay you down, because it's bedtime for a certain Dragon." Harry said, smiling.

"Awwww... will chu sleep with me pwease?" He asked, giving him puppy-eyes.

Harry wanted so badly to give in, to tell his friends that he was going to bed too, and to cuddle up with Draco. But he knew he couldn't not without giving them a legitimate reason to be suspicious of whether or not Draco was his favorite, or if he really was simply saying that to appease Draco. He sighed a little before speaking. "No, not tonight honey," Harry internally cringed at using that name in front of others. "I'm gonna stay out here and spend some more time with our friends."

"Otay..." He said sadly, but he accepted it, putting his head back on Harry's chest. "I wuv chu."

Harry stuttered a little. "I'll-I'll see you in the morning Dragon." He walked back into Draco's room, laying him down. He didn't dare return the sentiment until he was positive everyone else wouldn't be able to hear. "Goodnight Dray. I love you too. I always will..." He sighed a little, kissing Draco's head, then walking back out to the living room.

"Did Draco really just say that he loves you?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, that's the second time." Harry said, a little nervous as to what Ron's response would be.

"Wow. He is so different from... well, him." Ron said.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, you're right."

"I don't know," Pansy chuckled. "With the amount he talked about you Harry, you'd think he was in love with you. Granted, it was always a complaint, but still. It was 'Potter this, Potter that.' He never shut up."

"Really?" Hermione asked.

"Yup. Everything Pansy said is true. It was super annoying. And half the time he wasn't even complaining about something that happened recently- once he was complaining about how you rejected his friendship all the way back in first year." Blaise said, laughing a little afterwards.

"Well, if he hadn't been so rude, maybe things would've turned out different." Harry said with a shrug.

They all talked for a while. Sooner than expected, it got late, and everyone had to leave so they wouldn't get detention from Filch.

"You know, you guys are a lot nicer than I thought you guys would be." Ron commented as they we're leaving. "The way you treated us before must've been Malfoy's doing."

"You know, you're not really wrong. He was just so hostile towards you guys, and made sure that we were too." Blaise said. "Anyways, I actually had fun, you guys wanna hang out again tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure, Harry is that good with you?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, you guys are always welcome here, you should know that by now guys. See you all tomorrow." Harry said, putting on a smile.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye mate."

"Peace out Potter."

"See you later Potter."

Harry kept smiling, until everyone left. He let the facade drop, and sat down on the couch, putting his head in his hands. He didn't understand how he even fell for Draco in the first place, but he did, and it hurt him every time someone or something reminded him of how much Draco hates him. He sighed, then went off to bed, hoping that once everything gets sorted out, that Draco won't hate him anymore. Maybe he'll even become friends with them, in the same way that Blaise and Pansy did. But he knew that was hoping for an awful lot. He'd be happy as long as Draco tolerated him. He fell asleep thinking about that.

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now