A Letter...

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It had been a couple of weeks, Ron and Harry still on good terms. Everyone was happy when they started speaking again, as it was strange not having Ron around, even for Blaise and Pansy, who hadn't been friends with him nearly as long as Harry and Hermione had. They were all hanging out at Harry's, they never hung out all together anywhere else. They were playing another board game, Monopoly this time. Draco didn't get the game too well, but he enjoyed moving the shiny game piece all the same. It took a bit for Harry and Hermione to explain the rules and how it was played, but once the others understood, the game was getting pretty heated.

"Don't you dare buy that property Ronald Weasley!" Pansy yelled.

Ron smirked. He bought it. "Ha, have fun getting that color set now Parkinson." He said calmly, exchanging the fake money for the property card.

"You, Ronald, are the absolute worst."

Everyone laughed, and kept on playing. The game continued like that, people yelling at each other, bickering, and Harry having to constantly reprimand people (mostly Pansy) about watching their language in front of Draco. In the end, Blaise won the game. As they were all picking up the game, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Hermione offered, and went and answered the door. She came back not too long after, the door closing behind her.

"Who was it?" Harry asked.

"Just a student." Hermione replied, pulling an envelope out from her pocket. "She had a letter, she said it was from Dumbledore. It's for you." She handed the letter to Harry.

Harry took the letter. "For me? I wonder what it's for..." He questioned, opening up the letter. He pulled the paper out. After he read it, he stared at the parchment in his hands for a good while. Eventually, he looked up, his expression unreadable.

"You alright mate? What was the letter about?" Ron asked.

Harry didn't answer at first. He looked down at Draco, then grabbed the Monopoly box off of the table. He handed the box to the toddler. "Can you go put this away for me Dragon?" He asked.

"Mhm!" Draco responded, taking off.

Harry watched the toddler run down the hallway and into his room.

"Harry?" Hermione said, causing Harry to look at him. "What was in the letter?" Her voice was soft, and laced with concern.

"Well, I guess it's good news...? I'm just a little put off by it, I wasn't expecting it."

"You weren't expecting what?" Blaise asked.

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Tomorrow... tomorrow we need to take Draco to Dumbledore's office... the antidote is finished. He's gonna get re-aged."

"I guess it makes sense, it's almost been a month. Although it does feel like it was yesterday that I demanded you tell me what was going on with Draco." Pansy said, with a small chuckle. '

"Yeah, it has been a while." Ron said. "But seriously, are you alright? You don't look okay."

"I guess, I guess I'm just gonna miss him, you know? Taking care of him has become such a huge part of my life and I don't think I'm ready for it to be taken away. I wasn't expecting it to be so quick, I guess I was expecting some time to prepare..." He trailed off.

"Harry, I think that we're all gonna miss him, but he's not gonna be gone."

"'Mione, he hates me. He completely despises me. No, he won't be gone to the world, but he'll be gone to me." Harry said, his voice cracking a little, fighting off tears. "I'm not prepared to handle that again."

Everyone stood in silence, not knowing what to say. Just then, Draco came bolting out of his room again with a huge smile, which faltered as he entered the room, as if he had sensed the tension. He looked up at Harry. A couple tears had slid down his face.

Draco frowned. "Hawwy?"

Harry looked down at Draco. "Yes Draco?" He said, picking him up.

"Wha wrong? Why you cryin? I don like when you cry." Draco said, looking into Harry's eyes with concern.

"I-I'm okay Dragon."


"No buts. I'm okay. You know what? Why don't we try to have the best day ever, huh?"

"Da best ever?" Draco asked with a hint of wonder in his voice.

"The absolute best." Harry smiled down at Draco, despite the shine still in his eyes.

The five showered Draco in affection that day. They played games, ate snacks, and pretty much spent the whole day making Draco happy. Sooner than they would've liked, it got late.

Draco yawned, tugging on Harry's shoulder. "Hawwy? I sweepy..."

"Yeah? You ready for bed sweetheart?" Harry asked. No one made a comment on the nickname this time, or planned to. They just smiled sadly at the two.


Harry picked Draco up. "Then why don't I tuck you into bed, okay?"

"Bu I wan sweep wif chu." Draco whined.

Harry smiled sadly. "Later Draco, I promise I'll come get you when I go to bed, alright?"

"Otay." Draco smiled, content with that answer.

Harry carried Draco to his room, tearing up a little as he tucked Draco into bed for the last time.

Draco looked up at Harry. "Ni ni Hawwy, wuv chu."

"Night Dragon, I love you too darling." Harry smiled sadly at the toddler. He went back out to the living room, unaware that a few tears had slid down his face.

"Harry? You alright man?" Blaise asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." He wiped his eyes, putting on a fake smile.

"Mate, I think we both know that's a lie. I may not be Hermione, but I can clearly see that there's something wrong, and I'm going to assume this has something to do with Draco. So what I'm going to ask is, do you want to talk about it?" Ron asked.

"I just- I'm probably never going to have a civil conversation with him again... and it hurt enough before, I don't even want to imagine..." He trailed off, not finishing his sentence.

Pansy went over to Harry, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Listen, Harry," her voice was soft. "If he's mean to you after this, after everything you did to make him comfortable for the past weeks, he's gonna hear it from me."

"Ditto that." Blaise said. "And that goes for you two as well- you're our friends now, Draco's not going to get away with being a prick to you guys anymore."

Harry smiled softly. "Thanks guys... I actually feel a bit better now. If- if you guys want to come with us tomorrow, you can stay here for the night... besides, I think it's already past curfew. I'm sure 'Mione can transfigure these chairs into a mattress or something... but I'm going to go to bed now... see you guys in the morning." He stood up.

"Night mate."

"Night Harry."

"Have a good sleep Harry."

"Make sure you actually sleep too, not just lay awake worrying about tomorrow."

"Night guys." Harry walked off to Draco's room, lifting the sleeping toddler, keeping his promise from earlier. As he was carrying him back to his room, Draco woke up.

"Wha- Hawwy!" He mumbled sleepily.

"Oh hi Dray. I'm going to bed, and if I remember correctly, you wanted to sleep with me?"

"Mhm." Draco snuggled into Harry.

Harry walked into his room, closing the door behind him as he laid down in bed with Draco. He held the toddler close to his chest. Tomorrow was going to be a long, emotional day. He eventually fell into a fitful sleep, waking up multiple times throughout the night.

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now