Confession and Conversation (and bets)

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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry for posting late, I couldn't come up with the right words for this so I figured you guys would rather wait for a decent chapter than get one on time that wasn't very good. Also, this chapter is a little short, almost 200 words shorter than the rest, so I apologize for that as well. Anyways, back to the story. (Even though most of you probably didn't read this all-)


Draco kept eyes firmly shut, not wanting to open them. He didn't want to find out if Harry had left or not, even though he did. He decided it would be easier to not know than to know, and it turned out that he had left. He kept his eyes closed, listening to the silence of the room. But that silence was soon broken.

"You- did you say that you're in love with me? Or am I hearing things?" Harry's shaky voice sounded, causing Draco to lift his head and open his eyes.

"Y-yeah, I did. I meant it to.." Draco said, as he rubbed at the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.

"For how long?"

"Since about second year.." Draco answered sheepishly.

"Oh so longer than me then, I fell in love with you in third year." Harry answered, and even though his voice may have been calm as he spoke, he definitely wasn't calm. He was freaking out, just internally.

"Wait." Draco looked at Harry for the first time during this conversation. "You, you love me?"


The room was silent for a moment, neither of them moving. Then, abruptly, Draco started to walk towards Harry. He grabbed the front of his shirt, and looked down at him. "You bastard!" He exclaimed. "You've been in love with me for two years, and you haven't said anything? You let me suffer alone?" And with that, he crashed his lips into Harry's kissing him.

Once they broke off the kiss, Harry spoke up. "Sorry, I just didn't think you'd take it very well, considering I thought you hated me."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that... I guess I just couldn't really come to terms with my feelings, my father is pretty homophobic and I didn't want to deal with that I guess, so I masked it in hatred and anger." Draco said, looking down at the ground.

Harry frowned softly, remembering what Madam Pomfrey had told him. "Hey, this is probably a sensitive topic, but, um, when you were turned into that toddler, I took you to the hospital wing to make sure that nothing had gone too wrong-besides you being a baby- and she told me that... your childhood wasn't as glamorous as you led everyone to believe..."

Draco sighed. "Yeah... I just didn't want anyone to think differently of me, because my father was horrible to me..."

Harry nodded. "I completely understand. Like, a lot more than you'd think. My relatives aren't good people either. No one really knows about it though, I don't need any more attention."

"Wait really? Everyone assumes that you're treated as a saviour even at home, you're not? Why don't they like you?"

Harry shrugged. "They despise anything and everything that has to do with the Wizarding World, I just so happen to be a part of that, there's the reason I guess. I'm just glad I got an actual room right before first year, and don't have to sleep under the stairs anymore-"

"They made you sleep under the stairs?!" Draco looked outraged. "Harry I would strongly advise against telling me any more about those horrid muggles you live with, or I might end up taking matters into my own hands."

Harry chuckled softly. "Did you just call me by my first name?"

Draco's cheeks turned a very light pink. "Well, I did tell you that I'm in love with you, doesn't that warrant a first name basis?" He asked.

"Yes, of course, I was just surprised. It sounded weird, considering you only call me Potter." Harry chuckled.

Draco smiled. The two continued to talk all night, before passing out on the couch which the room had so graciously summoned for them.

The two had decided that they didn't want to hide, and simply strode into the Great Hall holding hands the next morning.

When they walked in, the Hall went silent for a moment, considering the fact that they were both late due to waking up late since they stayed up well past one in the morning talking the previous night. However, whispers quickly filled the silence, quite a few 'I told you so's' flying around the room.

The couple walked over to the Gryffindor table, and sat next to each other. Pansy, Blaise, Hermione and Ron were all sitting there.

"I told you Draco liked Harry Blaise, now cough up- you owe me ten galleons." Pansy said accusingly.

"Who carries ten galleons around with them through school? I don't have it on me!" Blaise responded. "And I was positive he actually hated him. Dammit." 

"Wait Pansy you knew? How?" Draco asked her, looking bewildered.

"Draco it was obvious! Even Snape knew!"

"Snape knew?!" Draco looked horrified.

Harry smiled. "Snape definitely knew Draco- he definitely knew."

"How would you know?" Draco looked at him accusingly.

"He had me stay after class yesterday, since apparently I was being extra incompetent- probably because I was stressed literally all day about meeting you last night- and he told me that if I talked to you, that you might surprise me."

Draco just gaped, causing the others to laugh, Draco joining in after a little while.

They talked throughout breakfast, smiling and laughing, along with a thorough and sincere apology from Draco about the way he had treated Ron and Hermione for the past five years.

No one noticed Dumbledore handing McGonagall fifteen galleons after breakfast had ended. 


Another A/N: There's only one chapter left, and even then it's going to be an epilogue, which will most likely be short, so the main story ends here. But I just wanted to thank you guys for 22k and somehow getting me to (at the time of posting,)1 in dracoxharry! I never thought this would get this many reads, so thank you guys again. 

(Also, I'm sorry, but I just love when there's bets! Pansy and Blaise are the biggest shippers in the school-besides Snape maybe- you can't fight me on that, it's a fact now.)

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