The Adventure Begins

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"Well what seems to be the issue?" Dumbledore asked.

"There was an incident in class- Draco Malfoy was de-aged to about the age of three."

"Have you brought him here with you?"


"Well then, may I see the boy Severus?"

"Of course." Snape motioned for Harry to come into the room.

Harry nervously stepped into Dumbledore's office. He was holding Draco, whose head was nuzzled into Harry's neck and his arms were wrapped as far around him as they could go.

Dumbledore looked at the two for a while, his eyes twinkling. "It seems young Mr. Malfoy enjoys the presence of you Harry."

"I hate to say it, but it does seem that way Albus..." Snape said.

Dumbledore stood up and approached Harry and Draco. "Hello Draco." He said, in a soft and calm voice.

Draco let out a whimper and pressed himself further into Harry, trying to hide.

"It's okay Draco, you can trust Professor Dumbledore. If you can trust me, you can trust him." Harry said, trying to reassure the boy that it was okay.

Draco shyly looked up, still holding onto Harry like he would drop him any moment. "H-hewwo pwofessow" He said timidly.

"Well you are just a fine young man aren't you? Nice and brave." Dumbledore said with a soft chuckle.

Draco giggled softly.

Snape watched quizzically, while Harry was watching with a small smile.

Dumbledore suddenly stood up straight again, clapping his hands together.

"Albus, if you don't mind me asking, what are we going to do with Draco? He needs to be well taken care of, Lucius will already be furious that this had even happened, I can't imagine how angry he would be if Draco was not taken care of adequately."

"That is a very good and very important question Severus."

Harry listened to the two adults discuss where and with whom Draco would be staying, unaware that he had started to unconsciously card his fingers through Draco's hair. He stopped paying attention after a while, and Merlin knew how much time had passed before Dumbledore came up to them again.

"Mr. Malfoy will be staying with Severus until a potion that will reverse the effects has been brewed." Dumbledore said.

Draco started to tremble. "N-no tank you. I stay with Hawwy."

Harry looked down at the boy in his arms in slight shock.

"What? No, Draco, Mr. Potter is not equipped to take care of a child for an extended period of time. You will be staying with me." Snape replied.

Dumbledore remained silent, curious as to what the toddler would say in response.

"B-but.... I wanna stay with Hawwy...." He responded, lip quivering, on the verge of tears.

"No Draco."

Draco wailed and started to cry, clinging too Harry as tight as his little baby arms would possibly let him. "I s-stay with Hawwy!"

Dumbledore piped up. "Now Severus, given the circumstances, I believe it may actually be best for Draco to stay with Harry."

Draco sniffled and raised his head at that, tears stopping.

"Albus, you can't be serious! He's a fifteen year old boy, he can't manage to take care of Draco and attend classes!"

"If I may Severus. I believe Harry will surprise you."

"I doubt it. He is less than adequate in potions, having Draco with him would only serve as a distraction, lowering his grade even more."

"Well Severus, Draco obviously does not want to stay with you, so what do you suggest we do with him instead?"

"Well-" Snape stopped speaking, sighing. "I have no idea."

"Then we may find it best to give Harry a chance."

"Fine. We will give Harry one chance to watch over Draco. One." Snape looked over at Harry. "Just know that if you mess up in any way, I'll take so many points from Gryffindor it'll make your head spin."

"Very well, Harry you will be in charge of taking care of Mr. Malfoy here until his condition can be reversed. There will be a room for you and Draco to reside in, as I believe staying in either the Slytherin or Gryffindor common room would be unfit. Everything you need will already be there."

"Yes sir. When will the room be ready?"

"By the time you manage to pack up any of your belongings that you will need."

"Thank you Professor."

"I-I gets to stay with Hawwy?" Draco asked.

"While I still don't believe that it's the right decision, to answer your questions Draco, yes you will be staying with Harry." Snape answered dully.

"Yay!!!!! I stayin with Hawwy! I wanna stay with Hawwy for ever and ever." Draco responded giddily, causing Snape to look disgusted, and Harry to look down at the blonde in his arms, completely shocked.

I've been with him for about half an hour and he's already completely attached to me? Dear Merlin I'm in for a long one... Harry thought.

Dumbledore chuckled warmly. "Well, Harry, you and Draco best be off to collect your things."

"Right. Yes. Of course. My things. I'll be going then, thank you professors." Harry walked out of the room, walking back down the stairs. He made his way towards Gryffindor tower, Draco nuzzled happily into his neck. Harry sighed, walking up the long, winding staircase into the common room.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked.

"Gillyweed." Replied Harry. The portrait swung open. Ron and Hermione were waiting for him in the common room.

"Harry, mate, we've been waiting for you all day." Ron got up off the couch, noticing the blonde attached to Harry. "Why in the bloody hell do you still have Malfoy?

"What Ronald means to say is-" Hermione cut off mid sentence. "Well, he means what he said."

"Well-" Harry started to answer, before he was interrupted by one over enthusiastic Draco Malfoy.

"I staying with Hawwy! He gone take care of me!" Draco squealed and latched onto Harry together.

"Yeah what he said. I'm taking care of him."

Adventures in childhood, again- a Drarry storyWhere stories live. Discover now