Do You Like Pina Coladas, and When Things Burst into Flame?~Kailor

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A/N: The fanart is not by me, it is by Blue Belle, but it sure is cute! Welcome to my 150 special, which is a Kailor oneshot based on The Pina Colada Song (Escape) by Rupert Holmes. This is my first time writing Kai's POV, or anything Kailor for that matter, so it might be bad. But it's also based off the Pina Colada Song, so it might be good! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this.

Do you know how everyone says that truth is stranger than fiction?

Well, it's true. Also, people are more ridiculous than that hat Cole's always wearing.

Anyway, this is the story of how I became an idiot.

Just kidding. This is a cute story.

It's the story of how I realized that my girlfriend was the only one for me.

Please don't spit on your screen right now; it's not that sappy.

Okay, maybe it's a little sappy. I'm a romantic.

Still, don't spit on your screen. It's terrible for your phone and your mental health.

I know that from experience.

You're probably like, oh, Kai, why are you blabbering like Jay right now?

Well, I'm trying to kill time because this is a little embarrassing.

Whatever, it's story time, punks.

I was tired of my girlfriend.

Skylor was lovely and all, and oh my FSM, was she pretty, but she seemed average after a while.

She never wanted to play video games with me, and she was working all the time!

She studied non stop, and every time I would ask her what she wanted to do, she would always say, "I don't care."

Like, what's up with that?

We'd been together for a year, which was way too long. She didn't even seem into me anymore.

And everything she said was like an old record, repeating over and over until it became meaningless.

That's what I thought our relationship was. Boring, sad, and repetitive.

One day, while she slept next to me, I got a message from one of my friends. It was a link to the Ninjago City Paper. And, as I scrolled through it, I spotted something that caught my eye.

In the personal section, among "I wanna be a ninja" and "Kittens for sale" ads, a paragraph interested me.

It read like a poem, and it led me into a fantastical dream world.

"If you like pina coladas,

and when things burst into flame.

If you're not into yoga,

if you have half a brain.

If you like making love at midnight,

in the dunes of the cape.

Then, I'm the love that you've looked for.

Write to me, and escape."

I didn't think about Skylor. I know that sounds like a pretty douchey thing to do, but this writer was terrific.

And it wasn't like I was actually going to do it. I'm not that dumb. But I did have to see the beautiful person who wrote that for myself.

It filled my head with beautiful images of romantic scenes when I thought of that paragraph.

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