Someone You'd Like~Pixane

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A/N: thelightningninjasis Finally! Your oneshot is out! This took way too long. She requested a oneshot very similar to the original plot I had for First Data Frets, but with the platonic ships reversed. It was a lot of fun, but took longer than expected to finish because I got kind of bored of it and started on Lawless Love. But thankfully, I got back on track, edited it, finished it, and here we are! Enjoy!

After the ninja stopped Garmadon's reign of terror, Ninjago became peaceful once again. At least, mostly. They were still on edge from Garmadon's ominous warning of "the destroyers."

But that didn't stop their lives from going back to normal. Well, as normal as the lives of city heroes fighting evil could get.

They moved back into the monastery of their origin, along with Misako and Pixal, and everything was just how it should've been.

Jay was cracking jokes, Kai was rage-quitting his favorite video game, Cole was drawing, Nya was working with Pixal on some new gadget, Lloyd was spoiling his dinner, and Zane was cooking that very dinner.

Speaking of Zane, there was something that wouldn't stop plaguing his mind lately.

Pixal was the new Samurai X.

He should have figured it out a long time ago.

How Pixal went missing not long before the new samurai appeared, how she was there helping him out, and most of all, how her greatest priority was protecting Cyrus; her father.

It had been almost a year since Pixal had left Zane's head, and the nindroid in question was a little shaken up.

Of course, he was happy that Pixal had her body back, and they could touch each other once again.

So many long-awaited hugs.

But they had been apart for a while, which made things between them a little...awkward.

He wasn't sure where their relationship stood at this point.

They never went on any real dates, and the majority of their time together was spent in the same body. But they did have something.

Something special.

And that fact made Zane even more peeved that he couldn't find the right words to say to her.

He didn't want to seem like an irrational droid who always chased after her.

He wanted to let her be her own person and experience life more than she ever had before.

That's why he stood back.

But it was eating at him worse than Cole's chili.

He wanted to spend some quality time with her soon.

Just the two of them.

But how?

"Zane, I think that egg is cooked enough," Jay remarked, snapping the nindroid out of his thoughts.

The ice ninja's eyes went wide, and he looked down at the frying pan in front of him. All that remained of the egg was a crusty black shape.

"Oh, oh, right." Zane scraped the burnt egg into the trash and looked back at Jay. "Of course."

Jay giggled boyishly. "You looked pretty in the zone there, pal." He tilted his head, grabbing another egg to hand to Zane. "Something on your mind?"

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