I Care For You~Pixane

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A/N: Let me tell you a beautiful story before/behind this story. Once upon a time, I was tagged by Ominus_Potato on a book called the Pixane clan. It didn't have very many parts yet, but was a really cool book. So I joined and applied for the first activity, the only activity they had. TitaniumNinjasGirl happened to be the only other person who had signed up for the activity, so we were paired up to do some fluffy Pixane texting scenarios. We did this for like a month and had so much fun that we decided to write a oneshot together! And that's what this is. So, we hope you enjoy!

You would think the most stubborn thing in the world is a cat clawing the branch on which it stands.

But, you would be incorrect.

Even greater is the will of Pixal Borg, and her desire for independence.

And on this particular night, her and her teammates were on a mission to handle some gang members.

They tried to formulate a plan, but the highly dangerous individuals were getting away.

So Pixal, wanting to prove herself as a skilled member of the team, ran after them through the alleyways.

And before they could stop her, she disappeared into the darkness.

Zane was terrified. He knew his girlfriend was tough, but these weren't regular criminals.

They were high-profile hackers and code-crackers.

The thugs knew at least one of the ninja would try to follow but they didn't expect it to be Samurai X.

"Halt! Your illegal activities have been found out and will be stopped!" Pixal had three of them in what she thought was a corner. She soon realized it wasn't when low chuckles from the thugs in front of her doubled into having some behind her too.

She took a second to scan her surroundings and formulate the best plan of attack. However, they had other ideas. These guys knew how to hotwire any devices in mere minutes and were intent on getting into Pixal's code to find out what made her tick.

She whipped around to launch a kick directly at one's face, which hit with a satisfying crack. One down... way too many to go. Her statistics to take them down and get out uninjured were dropping rapidly.

Pixal was both figuratively and literally, screwed.

She felt a thwack to her abdomen, but still ran as her vision went foggy, swinging and fighting for dear life.

Weapons clanged and wires zapped, and she started to black out. She saw a few of them following, and pictured Zane's face one more time.

The men were weak, but so was she. She could only muster a kick to the jewels before it all went dark.

She didn't go down easy. But they battered her and sent a virus into her system to make her not bother them again. For at least a while.

The Cyber Cyphers were the biggest crime group in Ninjago city. And they couldn't afford to play nice with the ninja.

They left her in the alleyway, and when she woke up, she immediately knew something was amiss.

Her metal frame was dented, and they left her all alone on the asphalt.

She checked herself for trackers, but there were none. Pixal proclaimed herself okay, despite all the bruises and leaking fluids, and ran back to find her team.

Along with her boyfriend, who was starting to go out of his mind with worry.

When she arrived back at the ship, Zane ran out to greet her with a big hug. With his usually reserved demeanor, this was a treat for everyone to see. Any form of PDA from the "old married couple" was a sight.

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