Siblings of the Heart~Platonic Lloya

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A/N: Hello, start out, FeMalDives77s  requested some platonic Lloya pranking, so, that's what this is! I got slightly carried away (It's 3000+ words), and since I've been low on free time lately, it took a little longer than I expected to finish, but I'm happy with it! Though, I'm also glad to be finished with it. I'm not the best at writing Lloyd, that title in my book personally goes to browhal1, the queen of fanon Lloyd, but I tried my best. I hope you enjoy it! Oh, and one more thing, the title of this kept making me get "Total Eclipse of the Heart" stuck in my head while I was writing it. So yeah, that's all!

Lloyd Garmadon was tired of being babied.

The newly-dubbed "Green Ninja" was sick of being treated like a little kid when as of the past week, he was officially ten years old.

When his uncle Wu proposed that he could be the destined one, Lloyd told him that if being the green ninja meant eating those canned vegetables, then he didn't want any part of it.

Thankfully, that wasn't part of the job description. But it was almost as bad. He had to fight his dad, save the world, and they all treated him like either a helpless child or an expensive vase that could fall over and break at any second.

Unlimited power, and he couldn't even go on missions with the guys!

And when they weren't on missions, they were calling him "Shorty," or "Greenie," saying, "One day you'll be able to go on missions with us, when you're older. Closer to the final battle."

That final battle business really got on his nerves.

Why did the universe have to say, "Lloyd should be the one to fight the greatest evil ever known, that is also his father!"

Stupid green gi. Stupid spinjitsu dummies. Stupid Serpentine. Why'd he have to release them anyway? Oh, right. To impress his father, who he now had to fight!

Why couldn't he just grow up and get all this over with right now?

Zane's voice appeared in his mind. "You have to be patient, Lloyd. Things may seem hard, but you can persevere. You just have to believe in your own strength."

Yeah, believing in his strength wouldn't help him grow up and learn spinjitsu any faster.

It didn't really surprise Lloyd that much that Zane wasn't human.

Well, of course, he was a little shocked at first. When the guys came back from following the falcon and showed him and Nya, it was a bit of a surprise.

He couldn't lie; he did flinch when he saw Zane's control panel.

But looking back on it, it did make sense. He and the falcon had a special connection, and the falcon seemed way too aware of what was going on to be your average bird.

And Zane, well, Zane had always been different.

He didn't understand humor, sometimes he hung out in the cabinets, fridge, or on the roof, and he was very easily distracted.

Well, maybe that was something that made him more human.

He also spoke very formally, with words that Lloyd thought hadn't been in use for at least a hundred years. That was probably an exaggeration, but I digress. The way he spoke made him seem much older than he looked and acted.

Sure, he was mature, sort of, but he still acted like a teen or young adult. But now that Lloyd thought about it, Zane definitely could've been forty if you ignored how he looked.

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