Adventures in Jamiesitting~Pixane

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A/N Hey, everybody! The sequel to The Ninja Merman is finally out! You don't have to read that to enjoy this, but it'll make a heck of a lot more sense if you do. I didn't get as carried away with this one; it only being a little over 2500 words. And at one point, I was getting kinda bored with it, but then I added the Pixane back in, and I loved it again. So, in short, this Oneshot is a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy it! See you at the end!

On a warm summer Saturday, not long after the Prime Empire incident, Zane and Pixal were babysitting Unagami at the monastery, while the others were away.

They were hanging out and playing chess together as they talked.

And surprisingly, all thirty-seven games they had played ended in a tie.

They were about to start another one, but there was a knock at the door.

For anyone else, it would've been unexpected for someone to be knocking at the door of the monastery, but Zane was barely disturbed.

He walked over to the large door and opened it up, revealing a bespectacled man with messy brown hair.

"Good morning, Zane."

Zane smiled. "Good morning, Mr. Evans. What brings you to the Monastery of Spinjitsu on this fine day?"

"Well..." The man scratched his neck. "Could you babysit Jamie for the day? I'm so sorry to bother you, I mean, my sister was going to watch her while I work today, but she had a last-minute-"

"Do not worry, it is okay," Zane stopped him. "Pixal and I are already watching another child, but if you do not mind, she could join us."

"Uh, I don't know...I wouldn't want to trouble you," the man stammered.

A little girl with the same messy brown hair tied in a ponytail poked out from behind him. "I don't mind at all! Please, Daddy, pleaaase!"

Her father sighed. "Alright." He turned to Zane. "As long as you promise it isn't any trouble."

"No, not at all!" Zane reassured. "I am sure we will have a lot of fun."

"Yay!" Jamie exclaimed, running to Zane and hugging his leg.

"Okay," Mr. Evans said. "I can't thank you enough, Zane. You're a lifesaver. I'll be back at five to pay you and pick her up."

Zane nodded. "Alright, sounds good."

Mr. Evans bent down and kissed his daughter on the forehead. "Have a good time, pumpkin."

The girl gave a giant grin. "I will, Daddy. Bye!"

So, that is how it turned out that both Pixal and Zane were babysitting Jamie and Unagami on the very same day.

And this is where our story really begins.

Pixal was panicked. She could handle the children one at a time, but she didn't expect to babysit them both at once!

Not that the kids weren't great, they were. Unagami was mature for being a former evil video game, and she'd grown quite attached to the kid.

And Jamie was a thoughtful kid, never one to judge, though she always wanted to know what was going on.

Together though, that was where Pixal started to worry. They might be a little too much to handle.

She took a deep breath as Zane's face came back into view. She was overreacting; she wasn't alone. This was going to be okay.

Jamie ran up and hugged her leg, a giant smile on her face. "This is gonna be so fun!"

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