Ice Cold Nights~Pixane

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Author's Note: So, before we start, I want to apologize for the fact that I'm about to break all y'all's hearts, but I promise I will glue them back together by the end. There is a slight reference in here to my other oneshot "The Ninja Merman," so you can check that out if you want. Oh! And, um, you know how I said any Oneshot in this book would be no longer than six-thousand words? Well, I was wrong. I got super-duper extra carried away, and this Oneshot is a little over seven-thousand-seven-hundred words long. That is all. Enjoy the angst! Buh-bye!

It had been some time after the ninja returned from the never realm. And Pixal and Zane had been dating for almost a year. And on this particular night, the ninja were on a mission to take care of some rogue Serpentine in Ignacia.

All seven of them were on the bounty, flying there at this very moment: all six color-coded ninja, plus Pixal.

Nya was steering, and Lloyd was standing next to her, his head stuck in a magazine. It had a picture of Pixal and Zane on the front, and the header read, "Ninjago's most perfect couple!"

He looked up for a second. "So, what are these rogue Serpentine doing, anyway?"

Cole walked over. "Something about an apartment complex being built over top of one of their underground tunnels. Then they got mad and started destroying stuff in Ignacia."

"Makes sense," Kai chimed in. "Speaking of Ignacia, it's gonna be nice to see it again, right, Sis?"

"Yeah," Nya agreed. "It's been a while."

Lloyd shivered with embarrassment. "I don't think I've been back there since I released them," he mentioned softly.

Kai put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder and gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Lloyd. I'm sure they've forgiven you by now! Plus, they've probably heard so much about the great things you've done as the green ninja they won't even remember!"

The greenie relaxed a little. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Nya glanced at Cole. "What are Zane and Pix doing?"

"Oh, just some tune-ups on the ship. Routine checks and stuff," Cole explained.

"Alright," she replied. "Can you let them know we're almost there?"

"On it."

Zane was concerned. His icy blue eyes occasionally darted from the control panel he was testing to his girlfriend's pretty face, hoping that she didn't notice.

Everything about her was mesmerizing to him. How her cool metal skin was so flawless, how purple circuits trailed over it like beautiful inscriptions of the future, how her green eyes sparkled in the sunlight; her every quality made her seem more and more like a dream.

And he never wanted to wake up.

But he noticed something off about her on this particular night. Her wavy silver locks were tied up tighter than usual, and her lips seemed glued closed in an emotionless expression.

She didn't utter a word, but her eyes said it all. She was dreading having to go on this mission with them.

And it made sense. When the alert came, Pixal obviously wanted to opt-out of it, but she was too selfless to do so.

That was something he loved about her.

She had insisted, "You might need my help." She tried to hide a sigh. "I should come."

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