Too Many Secrets {Epilogue}

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  • Dedicated to All of my awesome fans!

Hey guys! this is the last chapter X) Let me know what you think!

Check out my new story Why Did You Do It? if u have the chance!


ps. if you don't remember Richie (or Rich or Richard) was Jodie's best friend from school!


          The news was on, and this time I wasn't afraid to watch the news. The same thing had been playing for a long time, all over the news and I refused to watch it. Now I wasn't as upset when I saw Warren struggling against the police men. He yelled out a bunch of accusations and kept telling them that he wasn't alone in the kidnapping and that he had a darn good attorney. Anna May just rolled her eyes when she saw it and walked away.

          "You okay?" A warm voice whispered into my ear. I snuggled more into Nate's side and looked up at him with a wide smile.

          "Yeah I'm fine," I murmured.

          "Good," Nate smiled. He leaned down to kiss me when there was a loud cough across the room. Nate and I both turned to look at Dave. He was sitting across the room, next to the TV. He was sitting in a single chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

          "Nate," Dave sneered, "Watch it."

          "Oh my God, Davis," I groaned, "Chill. It wasn't like we were going to do something god awful!"

          "I still need to keep my eyes peeled," Dave answered, narrowing his eyes and pressing his lips together.

          "Why aren't you watching after Annie?" I grumbled, "She's in the kitchen by herself with Felix. She's the one who isn't very good at picking friends."

          "I heard that," Anna May called from the kitchen. Then there was some loud giggling and I heard Felix's loud laugh boom through the house.

          "See," I challenged, "Go check on Anna May."

          Dave glared at me as if he were secretly debating what to do. He quickly stood up and darted out of the room. "Quick," I hissed and Nate laughed before leaning in to kiss me. His warm lips met mine for only a second before pillow hit the back of my head and knocked me into Nate. "Ow," I grumbled, rubbing my forehead where I had collided into Nate's chin.

          "You alright?" Nate laughed, rubbing my forehead.

          "Yeah, I'm fine," I grumbled and then turned around to glare at Dave. "What was that for?" I snapped.

          "Trying to distract me," Dave smiled, pointing at me, "I'm on to you kid so don't try to pull any funny business."

          "You're so annoying," I groaned.

          "But you're the baby of the family," Dave shrugged, "I have to look out for the baby." I groaned and threw the pillow back at him.

          "Felix," Anna squealed from the kitchen, "Stop!"

          Dave's eyes widened and he quickly walked back into the kitchen. Nate and I laughed and I turned back to him. Nate kissed me lightly on the forehead where I had hit it against his chin. "You okay?" He whispered.

          "Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled. Then I looked back at the TV where they were still talking about Warren. "Could we change the channel please?" Nate nodded and then grabbed the remote to change the channel.

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