Too Many Secrets {19}

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Hey Guys! as some of you had already guessed this story is coming to an end soon:( so i didnt want it to end so i made this a flashback chapter! sry if its lame i jst wasnt rele ready for it 2 b over yet!

Hope you guys at least lik it X)

keep writing!


Chapter Nineteen

  3 Years Ago~

        Once again Warren left the room with a slam of the door. I shook with fear as I slowly pulled my clothes back on, waiting for Warren to come storming back into the room and demanding more from me. When he didn't I adjusted the handcuffs on my wrists so that my sore wrists wouldn't still have metal rubbing against them.

        I carefully pulled myself up on the bed, my movements shaking and frustrating. I gently combed my shaky fingers through my tangled and greasy hair.

        The door cracked open and I immediately whimpered. "Anna May?" A friendly voice called, "You dressed?"

        I let out a small sigh. "Yeah Scotty, come on in." Scott came waltzing in with a sloppy smile on his face. He was carrying a tray with a bunch of food on it.

        "Thought you might be hungry," He smirked.

        "Oh my God Scott," I sighed, "I could kiss you!"

        "Sorry, sister," Scott chuckled, "I roll the other way, remember?"

        "Oh right," I smirked, "How could I forget?"

        Scott nodded his head, "My looks are stunning." I rolled my eyes and sat up again on the bed, eager for food. Scott placed the tray on my lap before he unlocked my handcuffs.

        As soon as my wrists were free, I quickly rubbed them, wincing at the pain. Scott sent me an apologetic look, but I just quickly shrugged it off. There was nothing he could do about the situation so I didn't need his sympathy.

        "So anymore good news?" I asked hopefully.

        Scott smiled broadly. He loved going out and bringing me back good news about my family and friends. He said it made him feel a little bit better about himself. Scott immediately launched into his latest stories about Jodie, Felix, and Jen. He even through in a little bit of Dave in there while I ate my toast.

        After I was done eating, Scott sadly handcuffed me back to the bed before taking the tray away. "Oh, did you have to use the bathroom?" Scott asked.

        "No," I murmured.

        "Alright," Scott sighed, kissing me lightly on the forehead.

        "Where's Warren?" I asked meekly.

        "He's out 'searching' for you," Scott answered, making sure he cleared all evidence of ever being there. I ground my teeth together, furious that everyone was faithfully trusting Warren.

        "Scotty," I whimpered, "Could I please have a phone? Just let me call my sister and clue her in! Warren keeps gloating about he's going to get Jodie to fall for him too and I don't want that! Please? Please help me out here?"

        "I can't Anna," Scott whispered, pushing the hair off of my face, "You know I want too, but there's only Warren and me here so he'll know that I gave you a phone."

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