Too Many Secrets {2}

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CHappy 2 so u get a taste of wat this story's like;)

keep writing!



Chapter Two

Jodie- Present

"Hey pretty lady," Someone called. I turned around and glared at Richard, as he continued to smirk at me. He jogged up to me and his long strides met my short quick pace.

"Get lost Rich," I ordered.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"None of your business," I snapped.

"Aw come on Jo," Richie smirked, "You know you love me! I wouldn't be your best friend if you didn't!"

"You're my best friend because I have no other friends," I told him with a sad smile. Richie just rolled his eyes and put his arm around my shoulders. I quickly shrugged him off, and rolled my eyes.

"You know," Richie commented, "If you continue to roll your eyes like that, some day they'll get stuck. Uh huh, true story!"

"You know," I mocked, "You're really pissing me off right now. Uh huh, true story!"

Richie let out a hearty laugh, which I laughed at, because I didn't think my joke was that funny. Richie slung his arm over my shoulder again, and this time held on tightly. "Don't worry pretty lady," He chuckled, "Your facade doesn't fool me."

I rolled my eyes again, this time turning my head so Richie couldn't see. When we reached my older brother's car, I stopped at the passenger door. "See you later Rich," I told him.

"Bye pretty lady," He smiled. He jogged towards the buses so he wouldn't miss them, while I rolled my eyes at him again. I opened the car door, and slid in next to Davis. He was staring blankly out the front of the car, not even acknowledging me. As I closed the door, he quickly pulled into reverse and drove out of the parking lot.

"Hi," I whispered.

Davis didn't respond.

"Can you drop me off at the hospital," I murmured.

"It's not a hospital Jodie," Davis snapped.

"Yes it is," I told him.

"No, Jo, no it's not," He growled, ending the argument. There was silence in the car for a few more minutes. Davis continued to drive as if I had never said anything.

I brushed the hair out of my face and quickly asked, "Well will you?"

"I do every day, don't I?" He snapped.

"Okay," I mumbled, resting my head on the cold window, "Just making sure."

Once again Davis didn't respond.

I buckled myself, realizing that I had forgotten, and reached for the radio. As soon as my hand hit the button, Davis quickly slapped my hand away. I held it to my chest as if it were hurt, and looked out the window.

Davis and I used to be close, but that was until Anna May didn't come home. He slowly started to drift away from all of us other foster kids, and eventually I hardly ever saw him. It wasn't like I cared though, because I didn't want to be near him if he was always in a grumpy mood.

We pulled into the hospital, and I quickly got out of the car. I started to walk towards it, when Dave called from his window, "You have to find your own way home!" Before driving off.

I gritted my teeth.

I knew he would do that. He always waited till the last minute to tell met things like that. I wouldn't let it bother me though, because I had other things to worry about.

I walked through the hospital, feeling like I was walking through a prison. I got to the front desk, and made sure I still had an appointment with a sister. The woman at the front desk, Debby, smiled at me warmly and led me to the visiting center.

I tried to keep my eyes in front of me as I walked past the patients talking with loved ones. It wasn't any of my business and I wasn't going to make it.

I sat at my usual table, and put my bag on the table. Someone searched through it as a security caution, and then I was able to sit down and wait for my sister.

About five minutes later, I heard the steel doors open, and I just knew my sister would be walking through them. So I quickly turned around in my chair with a smile plastered on my face, waiting for my older sister to walk through those doors.

Anna May was lead by two people carefully to the table. Her dark black hair hung lifelessly around her shoulders, making her skin look white and pasty. She had dark rings under her eyes from not sleeping, and I was able to see her hands twitching while the people held tightly to her upper arms.

They sat her down in front of me and cuffed her to the table. Anna May wouldn't look at me. Instead she looked down at her lap as if she didn't know why she was here. "Anna May," I finally whispered.

No response.

"Anna May?" I repeated.

Still no response.

"Annie?" I asked, leaning forward slightly. Annie's head snapped up, and she stared at me with her lifeless blue eyes. "Annie?" I said again, "It's me, Jodie."

"I know," She murmured.

"You remember me?" I asked.

"You come here every day," She answered.

"Well you don't always remember me," I explained, "I just want to make sure you know who I am."

"Oh I know," She nodded, looking at her lap again. What was that supposed to mean?

"So?" I pressed, "How's it going?"

When my sister looked up at me again, I could tell today was one of her off days. She had these random days where she was just full of anger. It really scared me. "How's it going?" She asked, "HOW'S IT GOING?"

"Annie, please, lower your voice," I begged.

"Lower my voice?" She laughed evilly, "How can I lower my voice when I'm flipping crazy? YEAH! YOU HEAR THAT? I'M FLIPPING CRAZY!"

"Annie, please," I pleaded, "They'll take you away."

Her eyes locked with mine. "Then do something about it," She whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"Do something about it," She repeated.

"How?" I questioned, "I don't get it Annie, what am I supposed to do?"

Annie fought against her restraints and screamed loudly. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" She cried, tears building up in her eyes and slowly making their way down her cheeks.

Guards appeared behind her, and grasped her shoulders. "NO!" I shouted, "Please, she just got here! Give me some more time! I need more time with her!"

"Sorry ma'am," One of them winced as Annie continued to scream and yell.

"Please," I begged.

They just shook their heads and started to unlock the cuffs on my sister. Annie quickly slipped her hands away, elbowed the one guard in the gut and punched the other in the face. I rushed around the table and grabbed my sister's arm. "ANNIE!" I cried.

"I thought you were on my side Jo," Annie whimpered, as the guards regained their composure, and grabbed Annie again.

"I am! I am!" I cried.

"Then do something about it!" Annie screamed, as they started to take her away.

"It's a hospital," I insisted, "You're going to get better."

"No I'm not," Annie cried, "Open your eyes Jodie! I'm in a freaking Insane Asylum!"

I bit my lip and hung my head as Annie was dragged through the doors, her screams becoming quieter and quieter as she was dragged further away from me.

A nurse appeared by my side, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to her," She chuckled, in a brainwashing voice, "She doesn't know what she's talking about. This is a hospital."

We both knew it wasn't.

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