Too Many Secrets {16}

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Hey guys! So this is a little bit of a fill in chapter but I still wanted to share it with you guys! Please let me know what you think? And u guys shld lik love me bc i updated 3 days again and im uploading again? :o gasp! ahah jk!

Love you all!


Chapter Sixteen


          It was like the air was stuck in my throat. It was hard for me to breath with Warren's arm locked around my neck. "Please, War," I whimpered, clawing at his arms. My vision was clouded with tears but I was still able to see the outlines of everyone.

          "My rules," Warren insisted.

          "Alright, alright," Nate nodded, standing up cautiously, "What do you want us to do? Anything to let Jodie go safely."

          "Put the gun down," Warren ordered, "NOW!"

          Nate quickly dropped the gun by his feet and then lifted his hands back into the air. "Kick it over to me," War continued, and then pressed the gun harder into my head, "Go ahead, and kick it lightly towards him."

          With a sigh, Nate gently kicked the gun towards Warren. Warren put his toe under the handle and then popped it into the air with ease. He quickly caught it with the hand that he was holding the gun in and then shoved the extra one into the waistband of his jeans.

          "Well now," Warren sighed. "Has Anna May drawn any other pictures of me? Anything else I should know about?"

          "No," Nate answered, "And I'm being truthful."

          Warren narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip on my neck. "I swear," Nate hollered, "No need to hurt Jodie, I swear there's nothing else."

          "I knew there was a reason I always hated you," Felix spat, his eyes narrowing, "Everyone always wondered why I was always so cold to you and now everyone knows why. You're a sick bastard."

          "Thanks Felix," Warren smiled, "I knew I could always count on a dear old friend like you."

          "Alright, alright," Nate interrupted, "You can leave now Warren. Let Jodie go and then you're free to leave."

          Warren held me closer to his chest and then kissed me lightly on the head. "I don't want to let her go though," Warren complained, "So you know what, I think I just might take her with me."

          "NO! PLEASE!" I shouted, trying to thrash away from him, but Warren just pressed the gun into my temple.

          "Nate," I whimpered, "Please don't let him take me. Please."

          "I won't," He responded.

          "Too late," Warren sang as he started to back out of the building. Suddenly my sister came rushing into the lobby with the other guard chasing after her. She stopped right behind Felix and grabbed his arm tightly.

          "Warren," She whispered.

          "Well, well, well," War smiled, "Anna May. It's nice to see you again."

          "It's you," Annie snapped. She buried her head into Felix's shoulder. "I remember," She murmured, "I remember everything now."

          "Could it be because I'm holding a gun to your sister's head?" Warren snapped.

          "Why you little son of a..." Annie started, stalking towards Warren. Felix quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into his arms. "You let go of her," Annie hollered, but not in the crazy way.

          It was like my sister's eyes had cleared up and she was a whole other person. She looked just like she did before she was kidnapped, accept rattier.

          "Now why would I do that?" Warren asked, "I lost you. I don't want to lose her."

          "Nate, do something," Annie pleaded.

          Warren held the gun up again and shot it. We all winced, and I almost cowered into Warren's side in fear. Almost. "I'm leaving," Warren snapped. He held me tighter against him, choking me again, and backed towards the door. "No! Please!" I begged.

          "The more you struggle pumpkin, the more it will hurt," Warren whispered in my ear. Warren pulled me out of the building and then into a near white van. "Drive Scott," Warren ordered as he closed the back doors of the van.

          The car started and then Scott started driving away. Wait, Scott, as in the Scott who kidnapped Anna May? Oh my goodness, this is really happening. I started crying loudly, choking on my own sobs and my own saliva. "Please, Warren, let me go," I begged, "I don't want this. Please?"

          Warren laughed loudly. "As if," He chuckled. Warren had let go of me and sat opposite of me in the van. I curled into the side of the van and let the tears slid off of my cheeks. "Don't cry Joey," Warren cooed.

          I shook slightly and quickly turned my head away from him. "Another one Warren?" Scott growled, "What's wrong with you?"

          "I couldn't let her go," Warren shrugged.

          "Dude, if you weren't so obsessed with seeing Anna May again, we would have never been here," Scott snapped, "So this is all your fault."

          "Why did you let her go?" I whispered.

          "What do you mean?" Warren asked.

          "Why did you let Anna May go," I asked, "I mean if you're so obsessed with her, why did you let her go?"

          Warren glared at me, making me flinch, but then his face softened. "That's for me to know," He sang, "And for you to never find out!"

          I bit my lip and quickly looked away. "Better search her War," Scott advised, "Don't forget what happened with Anna May."

          "I was stupid then," Warren agreed, and then got up and started coming towards me.

          "No, NO!" I shouted, wiggling away from him. I kicked and cried harder. Warren grabbed my legs and painfully pinned them to the floor with his knees and then searched me. I gasped and tried to shove him away with my hands but it was no use.

          "Phone," Warren muttered, chucking my phone to the front, "Money. IPod." He had taken everything from my pockets and threw it to the front.

          "You could have just asked," I spat.

          Warren looked up at me with an amused look. "Now what would be the fun in that?" He asked.

          "You're sick," I shouted.

          Warren shrugged, "It comes with the face." I narrowed my eyes at him and then quickly looked the other way. Warren laughed and then sat back.

          "Better blind fold her, War," Scott advised.

          "Good idea," Warren nodded, coming closer to me again.

          "No, please, I...I...won't do anything," I told him, "I just want...want to make sure I'm safe."

          "Not a chance pumpkin," Warren smirked. He grabbed a rag and then grabbed my arm roughly. He jerked me to his side of the van like I was some kind of doll. Then he quickly tied the rag around my eyes.

          I whimpered as he roughly tied my arms behind my back too. I had to lean against him in order to stay up right at least a little more. "Don't worry pumpkin," Warren whispered in my ear, his warm breath making me shudder, "You're safe with me."

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