Too Many Secrets {7}

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Chapter Seven

Anna May- 3 years ago

"Chug, chug, chug, chug," Jen, Felix and Warren chanted. I kept the bottle to my lips and finished the drink off. When it was done, I slammed it onto the table and raised my hands into the air.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I yelled, and then burst into laughter.

"Anna, you're so drunk," Jen chuckled. I grabbed another beer and waved it in front of her face.

"Live a little Jenny," I mocked.

"I'm the one driving home," Jen reminded me, cocking her eyebrow slightly.

"Boo hoo," I chimed, "You're no fun Jenny!"

"Aw give her a rest Ann Ann," Felix laughed, "Keep drinking its funny!"

"Don't call me Ann Ann," I pouted, but took a sip any way. Felix smiled warmly and I handed him a bottle too.

"None for your boyfriend?" Warren asked. I looked over at him and noticed the pissed off look on his face.

Felix narrowed his eyes. "You need to chill," He growled.

I rolled my eyes. "You both need to chill," I told them and then burst into laughter.

"Can we go home now?" Jen whined.

"Oh Jen you party pooper," I groaned. I stood up anyway. "I have to use the potty first," I giggled. I staggered to the bathroom and pushed it open.

After I used the potty I was washing my hands while humming to myself. I gathered my things and walked out of the bathroom and then out of the building. I looked around for my friends but had trouble remembering where I left them. "Jen?" I called, "Warren? Felix? Where did you guys go?"

I wondered down an alley way, trying to find a door back into the building. "Heeeelllllooooooo," I called in a sing song voice, "Can anyone hear me? Am I dead? Oh no! Poor me!"

"Hey," Someone called. I turned my head slightly and caught sight of a tall guy wearing a black mask over his face.

"Hi," I chirped.

"What're you trying to do?" He asked.

"Trying to get back in," I shrugged, "I'm lost! I went to the bathroom...and ended up here. This is no fun!"

"Hey, hey," He cooed, "Don't pout, it'll give you wrinkles." I giggled and moved closer to him.

"Why're you wearing a mask?" I slurred, pointing at it, "It's not Christmas."

"You mean...Halloween?" He questioned.

"NO," I snapped, "You don't wear masks on Halloween! Don't you see that guy with the rosy cheeks and red suit? HE wears a mask! DUHH!"

"You're right," He nodded.

I smiled sheepishly and muttered, "You learn something new every day." The guy stepped closer to me and instantly I stepped back.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I told you," I muttered, "I want to get inside."

"Oh, my bad," He nodded, "Well I can show you a way inside. To get to your friends right?"

"And my boyfriend," I told him with a small smile.

"Well then we better get back quickly," He chuckled. Then he grabbed my arm and started dragging me in the opposite direction I came in.

"Is this a secret way?" I giggled.

"Of course," He nodded.

"Aw man!" I whined, "I should have thought of this sooner."

"You learn something new every day," The guy quoted. I started laughing hysterically which made the guy chuckle too.

"My name's Anna May," I told him, "But you can just call me Anna."

"My names...Scott," He answered.

"Can I call you Scotty?" I asked eagerly.

"Um, sure," He muttered.

Scotty turned us around the corner and towards a van. My eyebrows pulled together. "Where are we going?" I asked, "I need to get back inside! I'm pretty sure the buildings right there! We don't need to drive anywhere."

"This place we do," He nodded.

"We do?" I asked.

"Yeah," He sighed. Scotty dragged me closer to the car and suddenly something didn't seem right.

"I don't want to go," I whined, "I don't want too!" I cried like a child. Scotty turned me around and smacked me in the face. I cradled my cheek with my palm and looked at him shocked.

"Sorry Anna," Scotty winced, before opening the trunk of the large van and taking out a baseball bat.

"What is that for?" I whimpered.

Before answering, Scotty raised the bat and crashed if over my head. I stared up at him in horror, my vision going slightly black. "Sorry darling," He grimaced, before grabbing me loosely by the waist and throwing me into the back of the van. As he shut the doors my vision started to turn black and I was losing consciousness.


Keeping up with me so far?? You understanding what's going on? So this was a flashback of when Anna May was kidnapped!

What do you think about Scott?

Who's fault do you think it is, since everyone has been playing the blame game;)

Love to hear your thoughts!!

Comment/Vote/Fan/Share? thanks;)


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