Too Many Secrets {13}

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Okay so this chapter is really short so in a few seconds I'll probably be uploading ANOTHER chapter! So it would be great if everyone could comment/vote/fan!!

  Starting off the new year well already;)

Hope to hear from everyone!!


Chapter Thirteen

Anna May- 3 years ago

        When I woke up I was uncertain of where I was. I tried to sit up straight but I was sitting on a bed with my arms tied to the bed board above me. Every time I struggled pain would shoot up my arms. I let out a whimper, ready to call for help but my voice was too hoarse.

        "Help?" I croaked, yet it was no use.

        I groaned loudly and tried to thrash again, shooting pain through my arms. I cried out as tears ran down my cheeks.

        There was commotion outside of the room, shoving, clashing and some dishes breaking. Then the door swung open and the man with the ski mask came back inside. "Well, well, well," He smiled, "Glad to see ya awake, darling!"

        My eyes widened and I pushed myself up. "What's...what's going on?" I stuttered.

        The guy's eyes narrowed. I think his name was Scott. My head was to fogged up to really put two and two together, but I was pretty sure he had told me Scott. "What am I doing here?" I spat.

        Scott walked closer to me and leaned his face down until our faces were inches apart. "I was hired," He told me, "I was hired to get you here. And now that you're here, my job is done."

        "But you have to tell me what's going on," I whimpered, "I need to know! I need to get back home to my family and friends. I need to let them know I'm alright."

        "You don't need anything," Scott shouted in my face. I winced and quickly turned my head away.

        "Please," I whispered, "Please let me go."

        "I'm not stupid," Scott growled, "You're not getting out. Ever. Okay? When my boss is done with you, you'll be begging for death. You hear that Anna May? Begging for death."

        My bottom lip quivered and I let out a strangled cry. Scott winced but slapped me in the face. The slap was so hard it made my head whip to the side. The side of my face stung and I was sure there was to be a hand print there.

        "You better hope my boss doesn't kill you," Scott whispered in my ear, "It would be a shame too, because you're such a pretty girl." He delicately touched my cheek.

        "Get your filthy hands off of me," I growled, pulling my face away from his reach.

        "I wouldn't continue acting like that," Scott chuckled, "You'll get punished, and boy will you regret it."

        My eyes started filling with tears and I let out a strangled cry. "I want to go home," I whimpered, "Find someone else for your sick project."

        "Oh but this isn't a project," Scott told me, "It's always been about you Anna May, always been about you."

        "What...what...d-d-does that me," I stuttered.

        "It means that he's targeted you," Scott whispered in my ear. "He wants you! He loathes you, so therefore it's always been you. Don't you understand? No matter what would have happened, no matter how much you protest, he only wants you."

        My bottom lip started quivering again and tears slid down my face. "But yes, this is sick," Scott smiled, "It's not a sick project but it's a sick job."

        "Well then why are you helping?" I asked in a small voice.

        "I owed him one," Scott shrugged.

        "Please?" I begged, "Please help me out?"

        "Can't," He shrugged. There was a loud banging somewhere else in the house and both of our heads snapped towards the door. "Well, that's my cue to get going," He muttered, "My job is done. Okay? Done!"

        "Who're you trying to convince?" I asked. Scott's head snapped towards mine as if he just remembered I was in the room. He glared at me for a second but then stalked towards the door.

        "WAIT! NO!" I screamed, "HELP ME! PLEASE! DON'T GO!" I pulled on the handcuffs and let tears fell down my face faster then before.

        Scott opened the door, ready to leave, but then he turned back to me as if there was an afterthought. "Good luck...with everything," He told me, before rushing out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

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