Chapter 13: The Fat Lady

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Y/n= Your name

Y/o/n= Your owl's name


Y/n's POV:

"Well that was fun." Fred exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

It was indeed a fun class, but I wasn't expecting to see you-know-who through Fred's boggart. I'm a bit bothered. I've never seen the terrifying man and I've never been scared of him directly, I've got a lot of things to be scared off.

"Hey," Fred stopped and faced me or looking down, he got taller. "Are you alright?" he asked sincerely.

I smiled, "Why wouldn't I?" I began walking again. I don't know what has gotten into me. When I saw Fred's fear I just felt worried for him, of him.

"I didn't get to see yours." He said catching up to me and putting his arms around my shoulders once again.

"Guess you'll have to find out yourself." I said smirking at him and splitting our ways. I have herbology and he, well I don't know honestly.

"You know I'll find out one way or another!" He shouted, I waved my hand without looking back.

I was happy to see Alicia in Herbology class. She's one of the twins' friends and is also in the Quidditch team. I love them so much because they're the only ones who can play my dream.

"Fancy seeing you here." I groaned. George stood on my right. I forgot that there's two of them and that one will always be in my class if not both.

"Not for me." I said smirking. He laughed.

"Clearly, as you have chosen my brother as your favorite." He remarked that caused Alicia to nudge me while giggling. I rolled my eyes.

"I chose neither. I am cursed by your existence as it is." I replied, Alicia nodded in agreement. I chuckled.

"Alright, settle now. Today we're going to learn ab—" I drifted into space. George and I kept making remarks back and forth with each other the whole class. Alicia just either laughed or nudged me.


"Honeyduke's Sweet Shop is brilliant but nothing beats Zonko's Joke Shop." Ron exclaimed. They just got back from a trip to Hogsmeade.

I didn't get to go because Fred and George locked me up inside my dormitory to brain storm about some of the products they want to have when they open their own joke shop. We're on our way to Gryffindor common room. I learned that Harry wasn't able to come.

"We never did get a chance to go to The Shrieking Shack, though. You heard that it's the most—"

"The most haunted building in Britain. Yeah, I heard." Harry cut off Ron. I could feel the sadness in Harry's tone. Maybe I could do something about it. "What's going on?"

"Huh, probably Neville's forgotten the password again." Ron said. I looked at Neville who was behind us. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Hey!" Neville exclaimed. The three of them turned around.

"Oh! You're there."

I crossed my arms, "Exactly, Ronald."

He just laughed to himself and looked back up.

"I apologize on his behalf." Neville thank me and I began to listen to Percy's 'Head Boy' duty. He's such a—I don't even know what to call him.

"Uh, let me through, please." I saw him walking down the upper stairs, "Excuse me! I'm head boy!" I groaned. "Get back all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched."

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