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Lucy POV

"Why am I going to Sabertooth? And why did I get assigned YOU as an escort?! I scoffed and lashed my tail.

"I'm not THAT bad!" Gajeel said. "I'm not happy bout it either!"

"Yeah! Because you'd rather be with Levy! Well too bad, you're stuck with me for the time being!"

We didn't speak the entire way to Sabertooth.


"Heyy!! Lucy what are you doing here?" Yukino came running out of the Sabertooth Pack hall. "Is something the matter in FairyTail?"

"I dont know how to answer that Yukino, but I do need to talk to Sting and Rufus. I need him to use his magic to activate a Lacrima." I looked at her with dreadful eyes. "Our new member has some pretty bad memories and we cant help him until we know whats going on.

"Ah! Yes, I will go get Stin-"

"I knew I smelled someone familiar, how are you doing Lucy?" A large white and yellow tomcat now stood behind the featherwhite Yukino.

"Oh! I was about to come get you!" I turned to Gajeel and told him to go do something else, and that he was being annoying, even though he wasn't doing anything.


"So you're saying, that Gray's mate is from BlackMoon, and you took him in and found ot he was a Dragon Slayer and used a Slayer spell on him, and Wendy trapped all the memories she felt due to him in a lacrima that you need Rufus for because he uses memory make?

"So far, yeah."

"And BlackMoon sent a war ultimatum saying if you don't return him to BlackMoon so they can kill him, they will declare war on FairyTail?"

"Pretty much."

Sting looked at me like I was crazy. "Alright then, Rufus will accompany you back along with myself and Rogue. I was astounded. I was not expecting the Alpha  and his Mate of Sabertooth to come with me.

"If you go to war, you know we will too, we are allies remember?" He said as he found Rogue and Rufus. We must go quickly if we want to be in your territory by dusk.


Gray POV

"So thats the Lacrima I need to open?"Rufus asked. I nodded. "Alright, anyone who does not want to see this must leave the immediate area. The spell I have to cast for the Lacrima to open will basically cast a 3d image of his memories and we will be in them, like spectators.

"Alright." I, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Lucy, Erza and Levy decided to bear witness to the horrors of Natsu's Memories.

As Rufus cast the spell, memories became one with reality. I saw horror and dread, as a kitten, growing into who he was now. Every part of his memories was gruesome. Who could do this? I saw things so treacharous that I had wished that Wendy was not here. She was gonna need some serious help after that experience.

After the whole experience, which lasted almost 2o Minutes, which felt like years. We all stood in shock unable to move or make any form of coherent thought.

"Well one thing is for sure, Natsu has some serious trauma and is going to need alot of therapy." Levy said, being the first to break the silence.

We all heard someone come out of the infirmary.

"What *yawn* did I miss?" Natsu sounded like he just woke up. We all turned to him, he must've seen the shock in our eyes, because he instantly grew scared, and cowered back.

"You didn't miss anything Natsu, we were just having a meeting with our allies, finalizing things for this war.

"So you aren't going to give me back to BlackMoon?" He started to tear up. "Why? There would be less bloodshed if I just went back and was killed. I don't want you all to risk your live-" He was cut off by me.

"Natsu, I, no we don't surrender to the enemy. You are a member of FairyTail, just like me. We are going to get through this war. Just you and Me, ok?" I looked into his tearful eyes with mine, and pulled him into a hug.

"Just you and me."

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now