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Natsu POV

"You useless bastard! How could I have an Omega as a son!" My father slashed his claws at me. "Rot ir hell you waste of space."

I was too weak to activate my fire magic, as my father kept beating and clawing me. We had both recently found out I was an Omega, and my twin brother was an Alpha.

My dad turned into his human form and threw me into a dark room under the BlackNight Pack hall.

This is where I spent most of my days now, only seeing sunlight when my father came to beat me, and when a servant came to bring me minimal food and water.

I sobbed in pain as I licked my wounds. Wondering whether I should exist or not. I knew there was a pack to the West side of our territory, and I've been planning my escape.

Before I could think too much about it, pain overtook me and dark clouds covered my vision.

I woke up the next morning to my father yelling at me. "Get up you useless thing!" I quickly obeyed and stood up.

I wasn't expecting the next thing. My father took his claws and slashed open my chest and belly. "Get our of my sight. I was in shock and couldn't feel the pain.  Adrenaline rushing through me, I ran to the West, trying to make it to the pack on that side. Blood falling in my wake.

I passed the scent markers and hid in a bush. I hope this pack is friendly. I hid in the bush throughout the night twisting and turning in pain.

The next morning:

I could hear voices approaching me. I curled into a little ball hiding my belly. I thought that if I even breathed they would find me.

The bush bristled as someone moved the branches out of the way. I peeked our from under my tail and saw a big silver coated cat. Oh shit it's the Alpha, no other beta or Omega could be that big!

"Hey are you ok?" I heard a low, but gentle voice. I didn't move. "My name is Gray, and I'm the alpha of the FairyTail pack. You're safe." I decided to stand up.

"H-Hi. M-My name is N-Nats—" my adrenaline dropped and the pain of my wounds came rushing back. I fell over and I heard Gray shouting for his members! He sounded distant and distorted. I could feel myself get wrapped in something and then carried away.

~Timeskip brought to you by Grays Ice~

I woke up covered in gauze and blood.

"Oh thank god you're ok!" Two cats were sitting next to my bed. One was blue with orange streaks, the other was black as Iron.

"Huh, where am I?" I ask shakily.

"Alpha Gray found you pretty much on deaths door. He sent Erza back with you to get help from us." The blue and Orange cat said. "You're in the FairyTail infirmary. By the way my name is Levy and this blockhead is my mate Gajeel."

"Oh-ok." I winced in pain as I tried to sit up. "Don't try to sit up yet, you got really badly injured. How does one even get that kind of injury?!" Levy practically shoved me back in bed.

"Hey! Iron for brains! Go get the Alpha!" Gajeel snorted but obeyed Levy. I winced as she yelled at him. She seemed to notice and apologized for yelling.

Levy offered me some water and food, by the time I was done eating, the big silvercoat cat that found me was pushing through the doorway.

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now