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Natsu POV

I couldn't even see straight nor keep a specific form at the party the previous night. It was shocking to hear about it the next day from the entire pack. I also learned that I cannot outdrink Cana, and that every single new member since Cana had fallen for the same trap.

I woke up the next morning in the nest in the infirmary. I hadn't had time to move it to my mates nest yet, so im guessing he just brought me here. I was grateful for that. I stretched and went outside to breathe in some fresh air.

As I was walking to go get some food, I could feel my head start pounding. Damn, how much did I drink last night? Hangovers suck.

Gray POV

I saw Natsu wander out of the infirmary the next morning, and he was wobbly. I think he forgot how much he drank and was gonna have a KILLER hangover. He seemed to be insearch of food.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I asked the smaller cat, who nodded. "Cool, because I can tell you are gonna have a shitty hangover, and as your Mate and Pack Alpha, I am ordering you to go back to either your nest or mine and go back to sleep while I hunt." He didn't fight me, on that.


Erza POV

Alpha told me he was going hunting and I was to keep an eye on Natsu as war preparations were made. We had let all the other packs allies know that war was coming. Sabertooth, as always was revving for a good fight. The other packs made it clear they did not want to be apart of this war.

"Erza! I'm back!! And I have news from Sting!" My mate came running back to me and practically attacked me. "Where is Alpha?"

"He went hunting."

"Can you give this to him for me? I have to go do my preparations for the Midnight War."

The Midnight War is what we are calling the war between FairyTail+allies vs. Blacknight+unknown allies. "Understood Lucy, I will give this to him stat." She handed me an envelope sealed with a Sabertooth stamp.

Gray POV

I went searching for a juicy rabbit to bring my mate, I realized that when given any sort of prey, he always eats all the rabbit, and winced at any sort of bird. Personally, I prefer myself a good sparrow. I heard some bristling in the bushes and got ready to pounce. A rabbit the size of a beta was in my sights.

Wait, prep, POUNCE. I swiftly bit into the rabbit's neck and snapped it in two. A clean kill. I dragged my prey back to my pack, clearly shocking everyone, as I don't usually hunt, I usually eat in human form.

"Natsu, are you awake?" I was shocked he was in my nest and not his own, but then I realized he had combined the two.

"Yeah, I'm up. That redhaired mage woke me up. Erza

"I brought you some food." I saw his eyes leam when he saw the rabbit. We split the rabbit, and Natsu wolfed down his share faster that the speed of light.

Once his belly was warm and fyll, I cuddled him until he fell asleep. I didn't want to leave him, but I needed to meet up with Wendy, who was waiting right outside my nest.

"What's going on Wendy?"

She looked down. "That spell, it let me feel every bit of pain and memory he had ever felt." Where was she going with this "Alpha, Natsu is a child and domestic abuse survivor, for at least 7-8 years. (A/N- I know I said they recently figured out he was an omega, he lied and said he was a beta, but his first heat gave him away. ) I put all the magic related to his memory into a lacrima, but we need Rufus' magic to use it.

I felt my blood boil. "Tell Lucy to go to Sabertooth under my orders and fill them in." I said with authority, altering my plans to adjust to this, now making it my utmost priority to help Natsu through this, and to make sure he never has to feel that kind of pain again.

He will die

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