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Natsu POV

I heard a crash in the pack hall, and then I heard the sounds of fighting. "Where is Natsu?!" I recognized that voice. My father, is here.

He's here to finish me.

Kill me.

I panicked and hid under my bed. I could hear two sets of footsteps. "Natsu, its ok, its just me and Erza." I could hear Levy's soft voice. "Where are you?"

I crept out from under the bed, and looked into their eyes. "Is he here?" Gray must've filled them in, because they nodded. "Yes, your father is here, but he isn't going to hurt you, we won't let him." Erza said. "But for now, I want you to go hide in the storage rooms of the Tenrou Tree.

I was led into a small underground tunnel, filled with boxes of books and food. It started to bring back memories. "W- Wait! I can't go in there! N-No!" I started to resist.

"Solid script! Sleep!!" Levy knocked me out.

Levy POV

Gajeel told me to guard Natsu with Erza, saying it was under the alpha's orders. When the attack started, I was already in the infirmary, as Erza came crashing in. Natsu was nowhere in sight. We called out to him, and saw him creeping out of under the bed, fear in his eyes. No, more like terror.

I tell him that we are gonna hide him in the storage rooms, and as we led him down, he started to freak out. Erza looked at me and I realized that we couldn't let him freak out, or his stress pheremones would reach Gray, or worse, Zare.

I activated my magic. "Solid Script Magic!!" I though if i should either write calm or sleep. I chose sleep. "Sleep!!" Natsu's eyes went cloudy as he fell to the ground. His soft snores filled the quiet corridors.

Erza plopped him on her back. "If he wakes up in the storage, he's sure to lose it." That was a valid problem.

"How about we put him in the room in the top of the Tenrou Tree, the one where Gray thinks no one but him knows about?" I thought aloud. "Gray can deal with it, it's the best idea we've got. Erza said over my thoughts. "Let's go."

Gray POV

"What the fuck?!" I yelped. "Fairytail! We are under attack!"

The fights broke out all over the camp. Erza and Levy headed for the infirmary. Bixlow and Freed were fighting two big tomcats in the center of the hall, while Lucy and happy were taking on a team of younger mage users.

"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" I could hear her shout, her tags jingling. (In her human form, the keys are actual keys, in cat form, they are tags around her neck.

About half the pack was in human form, the other, still cats. This was bad, why would they attack now. Natsu.

I was worried, but I had to deal with the fight here, and worry later. I was face to face with a solid black cat, with glowing red eyes, too big to be a beta.

"Zare!" I growled.

"So, this is the Alpha Gray I've heard so much about. You don't look like much of a challenge." He leapt at me.

"Ice make Lance!"

"Dark eclipse!"

"Ice make Hammer!"

"Twighlight Slash!"

"Ice Make Battle Ax!"

"Dark shadow!"

I was getting really annoyed with this guys attacking patterns. It was time to finish this bastard. "You asked for it!"

I changed into my human form, and so did he.

"Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance!" I yelled, Ice blades forming on my arms. I could tell he was trying to block, but failed. I truly didn't want to use my demon slayer Magic.

"Dark shield!"

The sheild caused less damage than I had hoped. It was time to pull out the big guns.

"I'm going to count to three, and you had better surrender, or you die. Make your choice." I started gathering magic power.

"I'll never surrender until that pink bastard is dead!


"You wouldn't! Your're known for showing mercy!"


"You don't have enough power for a spell like that!"

"Three!" I released all my pent up power.

"One side Chaotic Dance!" Ice swords swirled in a spiral above me, before raining down on Zare.


I reverted back into my cat form, and stalked through the dust. Zare's eyes were clouded over, but he wasn't dead. But he was close. "This is for hurting Natsu!"

I slashed his belly open.

"How, how could you care for that rat!" He said, coughing up blood. "he's an Omega!"

"Well, he's my mate." Zare gasped.

The smoke cleared and BlackNight got a good glimpse of their leader. "Zare's been defeated, retreat!!" One of the BlackNight cats yowled, everybody stopped, and turned tail. They grabbed their bloodsoaked leader and made their way to the border.

The battle was over as fast as it started. "BlackNight is no match for FairyTail, the strongest Pack in Fiore!! We will not fall to a dark pack!" I yowled from the top of the pack hall.

"We will not fall!!"

"Where's Natsu?" I demanded, Erza spoke up. "He's in your room. He freaked out when we tried to keep him in the basement, so we put him in your room to keep him calm."

I was annoyed. "Very well then, Wendy and Levy, tend to the wounded, the rest of you, get out of the way."

Everyone nodded, and went to do their jobs. A dark figure started shake the leaves of the Tenrou Tree, everyone looked up and saw a dark figure falling down the tree.

My eyes widened as I realized it was Natsu. "CATCH HIM!!"

"Within this enchantment, none will touch the dirt on the ground!" Freed wrote an enchantment where Natsu would fall, and it worked!

Natsu was un conscience, and his heartbeat was faint. "WENDY, GET OVER HERE NOW!!!" I yelled, not caring if I scared the little sky dragon.

"I'm on it!"

I left Wendy to treat Natsu and went to my secret little room in the leaves of the Tenrou tree, I leapt up the branches.

Something smelled wrong, the place showed signs of a fight, or a struggle, and Natsu's scent mixed with another, one that I didn't recognized.

Then I realized, someone found Natsu and attacked him, or worse. I prayed that my second Idea was not true, but the pheromones in the room said otherwise.

No. They couldn't have, raped him. The scent of Natsu's terror and stress pheromones mixed with lust pheromones from another cat definitely pointed to it.

He's gonna have to come clean at some point, I need to leave him to collect himself for now, I'll ask him what happened when he's awake and recovered.

If he recovers.

Damn I love making cliffhangers, but hate it when I get to one 😂

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now