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Gray POV

After I sent Erza ahead, I couldn't get that fluffball's scent out of my nose. I felt way too familiar for comfort. I couldn't sense it very much, as the smell of blood was insanely overpowering.

I quickly finish my patrol and head back to the pack camp with Lucy, Happy, and Carla.

"Is something wrong Alpha?" Lucy asked me. My face must've looked weird. "Ah- yeah I'm fine....Just thinking, How did he get here with that amount of blood loss?" I lied, sort of. I still wanted to know the answer to that question.

"Ok, sure..." Lucy could tell I was lying. Lucy may be insanely dumb at times but she's one of the most powerful magic users in the pack. She had also almost immediately found her mate when she first walked into my territory as a kitten.

As soon as Lucy came back into camp, she ran over and nuzzled Erza and Erza began to lick Lucy's fur clean. They couldn't be more different but they are cute together
(A/N Im gonna do whatever ships I wanna if you don't like it leave my page 😊)

"Where's Natsu?" I ask Erza. In between licks she told me that she had left Natsu with Gajeel and Levy in the infirmary, but he was still out of commission.

"Thank you Erza, you're dismissed for the day, same for you Lucy." I stalked off, tail lashing, back to my little hollow in the pack hall, which was a large cave, on top of which was the great Tenrou tree, where the pack slept in and on.

Little nests of leaves and bark filled its branches, I slept in a little hollow near the bottom, as it was the most dangerous part of the tree.

On my way there I couldn't stop thinking. Who would do that to another cat or human. Whoever it was I'm gonna make sure they pay for what they did.

I collapse on my nest to take a short nap, which was quickly interrupted by a brick of iron falling on my tail.

"What the heck Gajeel?!!"

"The fluff ball with the ravine in his belly woke up, go see him." Gajeel responded. "I'm gonna go to bed." Tch. Typical Gajeel, not giving a fuck about anything but Levy.

I stood up and stretched out my legs and hopped down the tree to the pack hall, behind which was the infirmary, a small grass weaved room with two beds and medical supplies in it.

"May i come in?"


I walked into the room and my eyes met Natsu's. "Hey, I'm nor sure if you remember me, but I'm Gray, the alpha of this pack. Levy, your dismissed."

"Yes, sir." Levy left the room, leaving me and Natsu alone.

"Y-Yes, I remember you." Natsu stuttered. "You found me in that bush."

"Yes and I want to know where you're from and how you got that injury."

I could see pain in his eyes as he began to speak.

As he told me his story, he began to tremble and shake in fear, turning into a full blown panic attack.

I call for Mystigan to come make him fall asleep, and he did just that. From what he's told me, I'm PISSED.

I vowed that I would kill whoever had done this to Natsu, They shouldn't even be allowed to be in a pck, they should live like rogues in the wastelands

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now