I wish you were sober

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Natsu POV

How did Wendy know that I used Slayer Magic? I decided I would ask her later, she looked exhausted. I could see my mate's eyes glowing with happiness. Did I really look that horrid? Probably. I walked up to thank Wendy, but she had passed out on the spot.

"Where is her nest? I'm gonna take her there. It's my fault she is so exhausted." I asked.

"Her nest is near the top of the tree, it's covered in blue Dragonflowers, and Carla's is right next to it. Find it by scent." Gray said, as I hoisted the small blue cat onto my shoulders. I couldn't believe this small girl was a Sky Dragon Slayer. She looked so young. I eventually found her nest and gently laid her in it. I hopped down the tree with my now renewed agility. I reminded myself to thank Wendy somehow when she woke up.

I got to the bottom of the tree and brushed myself against my mate, it made me so happy to feel better, but the memories of the past few days were still fresh in my mind, and probably would be for a while.

"Gray, once Wendy wakes up, can we do the welcoming ceremony?" Gray looked really excited that I remembered. "Of course, dear! Hey Warren! Tell everybody to meet in the pack hall for an extremely important announcement."  The brown cat nodded and activated his telepathy.

"Attention members of FairyTail!" I heard a voice in my head and it scared me.

"Don't worry baby, its just Warren's telepathy. he uses it to contact the entire guild at once. You will get used to it." My confusion must've shown on my face, as Gray explained to me how telepathy worked.

~Timeskip to everyone in the pack hall~

Gray POV

"Is everybody here?" I asked, and I guessed everybody except Laxus and Wendy were here.

"Yes Alpha, everyone is here and accounted for, with the exception of Wendy and Laxus, they are still dead asleep." Erza informed me.

"This had be important," Gajeel muttered to Levy. "I was about to catch a super juicy looking rabbit before Warren's telepathy messed up my focus!" I chuckled as I heard him complaining to his mate.

"Pack of FairyTail! I have some exciting news!" I yowled, causing the entire Pack to go silent. "At dusk, we will commence a welcoming ceremony! As you all know we took in Natsu Dragneel recently, and he is my mate. We will be welcoming him as a full member tonight! " I turned to Natsu, who was nervous infront of alot of people. I licked his forehead and turned back to my Pack. "Today! We celebrate Natsu, the newest member of our family!"

The entire guild exploded in celebration. Drinks spilled, kisses exchanged, congratulations were said, food was thrown and eaten. Natsu had even gotten into a food fight with Erza. I think he's gonna fit in just fine with the rest of the guild. I made sure that Freed put a silence enchantment around Laxus' and Wendy's nests to make sure they didn't get disturbed, because the last thing I needed was to deal with two grumpy Dragon Slayers.

~Timeskip to Dusk~

Natsu POV

I couldn't believe it, I finally escaped my father's grasp. Just a few days ago I was ready to die, and I was expecting my dad to kill me. Now, I have a new family, and a mate who cares for me.

"Now! We will mark you with the symbol of FairyTail." I saw MiraJane come up with what looked like a branding tool. I stepped back. "Baby, don't worry. It's magic, it won't hurt you." I was hesitant, but I trusted him. MiraJane stepped up and pressed the tool into my shoulder (human form). She held it there for a second before removing it. Like Gray said, it didn't hurt. When the tool was removed, a red mark of FairyTail remained.

I could feel a massive surge of power as soon as the tool left my body. "Do you feel that power?" Gray asked me. I nodded. "That is the power of your new family, we will always be here for you and will never turn our backs on you, no matter the cost." Gray exposed his Mark, and the rest of the Pack followed suit. His mark was on his toned chest, as dark blue as his messy hair. My mark started to glow a golden light.

"That light shows that you have been accepted by all of us! Natsu, you are now a full member of FairyTail!" The entire hall exploded again in happiness.

We partied all night long, even Wendy and Laxus joined us. I may have gotten a little too excited and drank a little bit too much.

Gray POV

"Graaaaaaaaaaaay!! Wheeree iss mymmy maaaate." I found the source of the whining from a very flushed Natsu. He looked so cute with his face all red like that. He was waaaay too drunk to continue, he might get hurt.

"Babe, I think you've had a little too much to drink, maybe you should go lay down." I asked him."

"Nooooo I donn't waanannaa! Iii stttiill haveeee tootoo outtttdriiink ttthaat girrrl! Shheeee chaaallnegeged meee!" I sighed and started laughing.

"Pfffft!!! Did Cana challenge you to a drinking contest?" Natsu nodded sluggishly. "Natsu! The only person who can outdrink Cana is from a different pack!" I couldnt help but laugh, it was like tradition. Anytime a new member was welcomed, one of the first things that happens is Cana tests their drinking ability, if they were of age of course. I saw Cana laughing in the corner, but I wasn't gonna punish her, this was normal at this point. I tried to stop her the first couple times, but it was clear she wasn't gonna listen, so we made a deal. Cana could challenge them as long as they were of age and they agreed.

I looked at a very drunk Natsu and decided that it was time for him to sleep, he couldn't even stay in one form, he kept changing from human to cat.

I eventually was able to lead him to my nest, where he collapsed, and so did I. "GRrraaaaayyy! I needdddd yyoyooooiuuuuuu!" He started to rub my fur, (he finally decided to stay in cat form, so I changed into my cat aswell) and I knew what he wanted.

"Natsu, I love you very much, but you're drunk. Maybe we can have some fun whe you are sober." Natsu whined and begged, but I wasn't gonna budge. He looks so cute like this, but I wish he was sober. I wanted him as much as he wanted me, but I wasn't gonna do anything while he was intoxicated.

"Maybe tommorow" I whispered into his ear, and we both eventually fell asleep.

Just you and me 💋 Gratsu Natsu x Gray Omegaverse Yaoi Where stories live. Discover now