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Natsu POV

I had just finished eating when the Alpha walked in. I could feel my eyes widen in fear, fear for being punished and left to die.

"Hey, do you remember me?" The big cat asked me. I gulped and said yes.

"Y-yes, You found me in that bush." I stuttered. I didn't like where this conversation was going. This is it, they are gonna kick me out. My thoughts almost completely overpowering Gray's voice.

"Yes, and I want to know where you got that injury. I knew he was gonna ask at some point, but why now?

I could feel all the memories of my father hurting me come over me. The pang of the slash that almost killed me stabbed me again. It felt so real.

As I began to explain, the memories felt so real and scary. I could feel the tears falling down my face as my brain played on repeat of the past year. Beatings and whippings beyond repair, scars all over my body, so bad that they showed on my human form.

I could hear Gray yell for someone, and then I felt really sleepy. Someone must me using sleep magic on me. I panicked as my vision went black, and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

~~Timeskip brought to you by my impatience~~

Gray POV

Natsu wasn't able to tell me much, but I was absolutely livid by the few things he did tell me. How could his own father try to kill him?! For being an Omega? That is beyond messed up, this is just straight cruelty.

I looked over at Natsu's bed, where he still lay after Mystigan cast his sleeping magic. If even just talking about it triggers an attack, it must be far worse than what it sounds. Natsu stirred a little, and I left the room, to go talk to Levy and Gajeel.

I found them next to the pack hall, chatting quietly. "Hey, have you guys figured out where Natsu came from?" Levy nodded.

"It looks like he came from the dark pack on the east side of our territory, BlackNight, lead by Alpha Zare, soon to be passed to Alpha Zeref." Gajeel said, Levy still mumbling to herself about something. I didn't really care much.

"So you're saying he came from the dark pack on the East side? He seems too scared to have liked it there." I responded. "Please come find me as soon as he wakes up fro Mystigan's spell." Gajeel and Levy bowed their heads to acknowledge their orders.

I heard a scream come from the infirmary.

Natsu POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the patterned ceiling. Wha-.

I saw him.

My father. He was sitting in the corner of the room, claws out. I let out an earsplitting scream.

"Die Natsu." He said.

"Get away from me Father!" He walked closer. And closer. Until he was at claw's reach" Don't!" He slashed my belly.

"-atsu! Natsu!! What your seeing is not real! Snap out of it!" I could feel someone shaking my shoulders. I watched as my father faded away. It was a hallucination. Thank god, but it felt so real! I snapped myself back to reality.

Two dark blue eyes were peering into my olive ones. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe with me." Gray said, pulling me into a hug. I looked into his eyes and saw a loving glow. Now that my nose has cleared up, I could finally smell him. I gasped.

"What's wrong, you look spooked." He said concerningly. I pressed my face into his neck,taking in his scent.

"You smell like me—" I started, but Gray cut me off. "Yes, I know. I noticed as soon as I saw you. And I'm pretty sure I'm right. Look at your ears, they've unfolded." I glance in the mirror, he was right, my ears werent folded down anymore. His weren't either.

"How, how are we mates? I'm from a dark pack, and you lead the light!" I stuttered. "What if I told you I want you to join my pack?" Gray said.

I wasn't expecting that, a pack change wasn't that rare, but if an Omega is kicked out, they usually have to live as rogues for the rest of their days. "I- I'd like that."

"Then it is settled, once you are more recovered, we will have the ceremony to welcome our newest member, and my mate: Natsu!" I could feel Gray's warmth as he chatted on and on about being part of FairyTail, like the pack was one big family. "I can't wait for you to meet everybody!"

Gray POV

I rush to the infirmary, and find Natsu scrambling for breath, screaming at something to get away. I wuickly figure out he's having a hallucination. I yell his name, trying to get him to realize that what he's seeing is not really there.

I shake his shoulders, and he seems to snap out of it, his two olive eyes filled with pain. I embrace him in a hug.

"You're safe here, he can't hurt you anymore." I say, not letting go, I hear a small gasp. "What's wrong?"

"y- You smell like me, does-" I cut him off. "Yes, it does."

"But I'm from a dark pack, and you lead the light!" He stammered. I honestly doubt he's gonna go back to BlackNight.

"What if I told you I wanted you to join FairyTail?" I said to him. He stammered with his response. I was half expecting him to say no, but he agreed.

"I'd love that." I was stunned by his answer. "Then it is settled then, once you are more recovered, we will have the ceremony welcoming our newest member and my mate, Natsu!" I said.

I didn't realize I was rambling about how great FairyTail is until I heard the nightime patrol coming back. "We have some bad news Alpha." Great.

"What is it?" I grumble.

Fried spoke first, the green cat stalking up the hall. "The BlackNight pack has requested your presence, and they are not happy." Shit, this probably has to do with Natsu.

"Yeah, and they tried to pass out borders, but Fried here wrote the fastest enchantment I'd ever seen." Bixlo added, lashing his tail. "They wanna see you tomorrow at the border, and they want you to bring Natsu." As if I'm bringing Natsu, they're gonna try and take him back.

"Fine then, but I'm not bringing Natsu, under any circumstances. And I want a two guards on him, at least until he can use his magic again. And one of the guards needs to be another Alpha." There was a couple Alpha's in my pack, but they all respected me and chose me to be the leader. Bixlo nodded and left.

"Call a meeting in the pack hall."

~~Timeskip to meeting~~

"Pack of Fairytail, I bring frustrating news, the pack known as BlackNight has become active, so we need to be prepared to be attacked. Initaiate Code Fai-. I was knocked to the floor by someone. I got a glimpse of their fur, a black moon shone on it.

BlackNight was here.

~~Cliffhanger 😈~~
To be updated on Monday or Tuesday


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