Part 13

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I blink rapidly for a bit and glance around at my surroundings. The cave has just been cast into shadows, during the day little inklings of sunlight peaks in through a few holes in the wall. The camel in the corner of the echoey cave snorts at me, how rude. I push and push with my tongue until I manage to cough up the rag in my mouth, it lands on the ground with a big, wet splat. 

"That thing tastes disgusting. Do you know what she used to use it for?" I ask the camel angrily. It just snorts back again to me. Ugh, I love most animals but I've never really liked camels. I try to move my aching wrists behind my back, even that slight movement knocks me off my bloody knees and onto my side. The ground's cold but at least there's no pressure on my grazed knees anymore. I curl up into a ball so I can look at my knees. The skin is flaking off and there's half-dried blood spots on my favourite nightdress. I attempt to wriggle out of my bounds even more now, my body weight squashing my left arm and hip. The now-fraying ropes rub into the raw skin on my wrists and ankles painfully. 

I scream out, "Why can't I get out of here?! I've been trying for days!". I slump down and close my eyes, relaxing myself. 

Soon I doze off into a light sleep and am greeted with a strange sight. I'm still lying on my side, but a tall tanned man clad in a plated gold kilt stands upright before me. A fan-shaped halo glows brightly behind him. Then I figure it all out. He's Horus, the real Horus, the great god Horus. I can tell, I can sense it, but I don't know how. He cocks his brown bird-like head and squawks. My ears hear an eagle's call but in my mind I hear a deep and echoey voice. 

"Your kingdom is in danger, an unworthy imposter sits to inherit the throne in your place. She whispers evil into the pharaoh's ears and plans to use him as a puppet for her own benefit. You must get up and get away from here. There's someone coming to help you, but not for the reasons you may think. I wish you luck, Azizi, the true princess of Egypt." The voice warns. 

Then a jolt wakes me again and the god disappears as if he was never there in the first place. I'm left with just one thought. I have to save my kingdom and someone's coming to help me. 

The New Princess of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now