Chapter 18: Home

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Chapter 18: Home

-1 Day Later-

Everett Tucker

        I looked down at Juliet's bruised and broken figure under the white sheets, that matched her ill, pasty skin. It was infuriating to realize the amount of injures she'd acquired, along with the blatant signs of abuse she'd faced over these past few days.

        Even though the war was over, the Western wolves taken care of, and mostly everyone was left unharmed, I still felt defeated. I'd heard it all from a messily Western wolf named Claus about every single event leading up to the moment the Western wolves entered the Eastern courtyard. Gem and Hunter had been with me in that moment and after he'd confessed to all of the disgusting crimes he'd committed, Gem surprisingly ripped him to pieces. The man was now being held in Harrison's territory, awaiting a trail where he'd most likely be exiled or executed for war crimes. I couldn't bring myself to feel anything more than redemption; the filthy beta deserved whatever punishment was given to him.

        With a shaky hand, brushed my fingertips across Juliet's fingertips and felt angry tears cause an ache in the back of my throat. I'd only cried twice in the past decade; once when my father's casket was lowered to the ground and again, when I watched Juliet's broken figure get wheeled into the hospital operating room yesterday. It was that raw, unpredictable feeling of absolute helplessness that ripped up my steel composure. I was the Alpha of a massive pack, man of the house and now, protector of my mate. It was in my blood to defend others so you can imagine... when I'd almost lost Juliet... I couldn't help but completely break down.

        "Everett?" James silently slipped through the infirmary door and smiled sympathetically in my direction.

        "James," I turned reluctantly and stretched a smile on face, concealing my heavy worry. "How is she?" I asked.

        James made his way slowly over to Juliet's sleeping figure, keeping his eyes glued his clipboard. Seeing James here, in his white coat and dark rimmed glasses, I sighed in relief, knowing what an incredible doctor he was; I suddenly felt very thankful to have him as healer of my pack.  

        "She's healing slowly, probably due to her half-human nature, but don't worry, I anticipate she'll make a full recovery. She'll just need time."  Slipping his clipboard onto the nightstand, James then proceeded to check over the hanging fluids by the bed. "I was meaning to tell you after the eastern formal, you know? About Juliet's nature?" He whispered softly, perhaps not wanting to disturb Juliet.

        "I know, I figured that much, now. Thank you James, for everything; I should've listened when I had the chance... maybe things would've been different." I sighed, brushing my fingertips along Juliet's arm.

        "Everett, you know more than anyone that life doesn't always go as planned. Although, in the end, everything will fall into place, as they should. Things really do happen for a reason, at least... I truly believe that. I think Juliet was brought here by fate; by you two meeting, it has not only saved thousands of lives but you've also saved each other from your own unhappy pasts. The love you two share is much greater than two wolves mating, it is raw, real and very powerful," James finished, half-smiling while looking out the window; it was a beautiful scene, a picturesque view of a warm summer day.

        I looked away from the window and down at Juliet. As I slipped my hand under hers, cradling her soft flesh, I found myself finally finding the courage to smile without grief.

        "Thank you, James." I replied, truly meaning it.

- Two Days Later -

Juliet Rose

        I stirred and felt as if I'd just begun to emerge from swimming through a thick current. My limbs were heavy... my eyelids were heavy... hell, I practically felt like a big slab of potatoes!

        I clenched my fists and dug my nails into my palms, needing some sort of physical confirmation that I'd lived through the past few days. With a soft sigh, after realizing I wasn't, in fact, dead, I then turned my head sleepily towards a stream of warm sunlight, soaking in its gentle rays.

        "Juliet, love?" Everett's incredible, soft, sweet, delightful voice filled my ears and I forced my eyelids open quickly to gaze at his handsome face. Instinctively, I felt a small smile creep onto my dry lips. Just the sight of this man causes my heart to skip with delight.

        "Oh, Everett," I breathed in relief. A relentless onslaught of tears pooled in my eyes and spilled over onto my cheeks. I had absolutely no grip on my emotions; that's it, I have turned into an absolute pile of sentimental mush!

        "Oh, Juliet, its okay. Please, don't cry," Everett choked out and placed his soothing hands onto my cheeks, leaning his forehead on mine. "Everything's alright now." Everett pulled back a moment later, looking concerned. "Are you in any pain?" His voice hitched with alarm.

            "No, no. I'm just... so happy you're okay." I sniffed as another weak sob bubbled through my lips.

            "Me? Juliet, oh god, I'm so angry with you! How could you put yourself in danger like that? Why would you risk your life for me?" Everett's face pinched in a pained expression as he gestured to my tattered body. I only smiled through my continuous tears.

            "Because that's what you do when you love someone," I whispered softly. "I learned at a very early age that if you truly love someone, you'd sacrifice everything to protect them." I thought of my mother then, and the way she ended her life in order to save mine. I loved Everett in the same way that she loved me, and putting his life before mine was not a difficult decision to make.

        Everett stared down at me, his expression falling slowly. I was suddenly confused; why is he looking at me this way?

            "You... love me?" He breathed, visibly relaxing.

            "Of course I do Everett...I..." I stopped, realization dawning on me. When I'd run away from him in the forest, I'd lied to him in a hopeful attempt to protect him. I'd told him I didn't love him. "I'm so sorry...I just wanted you to have a chance at a better life." I whispered weakly, sinking myself further into the fluffy pillows. Everett's face twisted in a mask of shock and puzzlement.

            "Juliet, why would you ever think that my life would be better without you? Don't you see how much you mean to me? How much you've made my life better? Juliet Rose, you're the single most important and best thing that's ever happened to me. You're everything to me." Everett leaned over me and trailed his thumb along my lips, calming their slight tremble.

        "I don't care who you were before you met me or what type of blood runs through your delicate, little blue veins," Everett continued, lifting my un-bandaged hand and kissing the inside of my wrist tenderly. "You're still the woman that I love, the woman that I will always love. Nothing will ever change that," I felt my heart swell with unimaginable love as he slowly lowered himself towards me and placed his lips against mine.

        For the first time in a very long time, I felt at home.  

         My home was anywhere with Everett by my side.

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