The search! {chapter 10!}

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Cody: No!No ! No  where could he be!

Chef pp: I don't know...

Bowser: ughhh what's all the yelling about?

Chef pp: we can't find jr

Bowser: WHAT??!!?? What happened???

Cody: we when trick-or-treating and now we can't find him!

Bowser: well don't just stand there let's  go!

Cody & pp: ??!!

Bowser: what are you waiting for let's go!

Cody: o-okay...

* after they got in the car and looked everywhere and couldn't him*

Bowser: ugh were could he be???

Chef pp: I don't know anymore...

Cody: come on guys let's not give up now I'm sure we will fine him soon

Chef pp: * sights* I guess your right

Bowser: yeah let's just keep looking...


{ finally had the courage to get a new chapter out sorry I have not been putting out a new chapter in a while :/}

{ next part on January 22!}

SML Jr X Cody {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now