What should i do? {chapter 11}

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    * meanwhile at back with Jr*
Jr: ughh what should I do? I just don't know anymore cody, chef pp, and my dad are probably scared to death..

*but then jr saw a car coming up to him*

Jr: huh? OMG A CAR!

Cody: wait a minute stop the car

Chef pp: okay

Cody: wait.. j-j-jr!!!

Jr: cody!

Cody:  MY GOD are you OK??? * hugging him*

Jr: yeah

Cody: let's go home * smiling*

Jr: okay

*then they got in the car and Went home*

{To be continued!! Sorry this was late I didn't expect to be so busy 😕}

{Next chapter on feb 1}

SML Jr X Cody {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now