The  trick-or-treat {Halloween special} {chapter 8}

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Cody: yeah jr?

Jr: guess what today is!!!

Cody: what?

Jr: you really don't know?

Cody: nope not at all

Jr: it's Halloween idiot

Cody: OH! I totally forgot today was Halloween

Jr: WOW really! It's our favorite holiday idiot!

Cody: yeah sorry totally forgot today was are favorite holiday o-o

Jr: it's ok! Come on chef pp is going to take us trick or treating

Cody: okay!

( few minutes later)

Jr: what are you Cody?

Cody: a bear you?

Jr: a nut

Cody: cute

Jr: oh shut up *blushing*

Jr: come on let's go see if chef pp's ready

Cody: k

Jr: CHEF PP!!!!!!

Chef pp: yes?

Jr: are you ready for trick or treat?

Chef pp: yeah let's just go *says annoyingly*

Jr: yay!

( 1 hour later...)

Jr: guys?

Jr: guys...?

Jr: I give up I can't fine them maybe there home?

Jr: but I don't know where I'm at..

Jr: maybe someone can help me?

*Sees a house*

Jr: maybe they can tell me!

* Knocks*

Random person: yes can I help you with something?

Jr: um hi I just wanna know where I'm at

Random person: Um don't know what you call is place ok bye!

*Slams door*


Well he was no help what am I going to do??? I guess I'll start walking maybe after a little bit I'll know where I'm at...

{To be continued!!! And sorry this was not out yesterday 😔but is here}

{Next update nov 10}


SML Jr X Cody {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now