The Moring {chapter 6} 

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Jr's POV:
I woke up the next morning and saw Cody was still on me so I Slowly Got off the couch and walked down stairs.

Jr: good morning chef pee pee!

Chef pp: morning brat..

Jr: what's for breakfast?

Chef pp: Froot Loops Surprise

Jr: okay!

Jr walked back into the gaming room to see if Cody was awake and he was.

Jr: morning Cody!!

Cody: morning!!

Jr: chef pp making Froot Loops surprise for us.

Cody: ok!

Jr: come on!

Cody: ok!

Chef pp: ok brats here's your breakfast..

Both jr and Cody : thanks!

Chef pp: whatever..

Your breakfast with your boys went back to the gaming room.

Jr: so... Cody..

Cody: yeah?

Jr: about last night..

Cody: what about last night.. *cody blushes*

Jr: c-c-cody can I tell you something..

Then chef pp was walking by and peaked to here the Conversation.

Cody: what jr?

Jr: I um..

Cody: ???

Jr: I-Iike you...

* cody was blushes even hard!!!*

Cody: i-I- like you to jr...

*Jr blushes a lot*

Chef pp: what the-

{To be continued!!}   sorry about some of the grammar :(

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