This is love? {chapter 1}

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Jr's POV
I was walking to with my two best friends in the world Cody and Joseph.  I was Looking at Cody and just looked at him Joseph saw.

Joseph: jr you ok dude?

Jr: Y-Y Yeah I'm fine.

Joseph: ok dude!

Jr, Joseph and ,Cody got to class and sat at there Seats.

Teacher: AlL rIGHT cLAsS tODAY wE aRE gOING tO  going to learn  history and learn about  Albert Einstein.

Jr's POV:I was sitting class listening and then I started to feel weird and sick and I raised  my hand.

Teacher: what do you wanna dumb kid?

Jr: um I don't so good.

Teacher: I'll write you a pass BUT if your Lying you suspended.

Jr: ok...


SML Jr X Cody {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now