The talk {chapter 12}

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     *when they got back home*  

Cody: so what happened?

Jr: idk I was walking but then I somehow got lost

Cody: I'm just glad your ok * kisses on the cheek*

Jr: haha

Bowser: jr I need to talk to you...

Jr: okay dad

       *When they got to bowsers room *

Jr: so what wrong dad?

Bowser:  I know about you and Cody...

Jr: *oh no*

Bowser: I have to say that I... accept it

Jr:  * oh n-* wait y-you do?

Bowser: of course!

Jr: thanks soooo much dad! *giving him a big hug*

Bowser: hehe your welcome! Come on let's go downstairs with everyone!

Jr: ok dad!

{To be continued next pt on feb 14!}

SML Jr X Cody {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now