Asking { chapter 4}

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Jr POV: later on I woke up and when I was rubbing my face I heard a vice.

Cody: hey jr!

Jr: ahhhh Cody w-what are u doing here?

Cody: I was just seeing how your doing.

Jr: o-oh o-ok...

Cody: you ok?

Jr: y-yeah I'm f-fine...

Cody: o-ok...

Jr: so um how are you?

Cody: I'm doing ok I are you u?

Jr: fine... ( I guess)

Cody: ok?

Jr: so wanna stay tonight?

Cody: I can ask my mom.

Jr: ok...

Judy: hey Cody!

Cody: hey so I wanna ask you something.

Judy: ok go.

Cody: can I stay at jr's house?

Judy: sure Cody you can stay at your little turtle friends House.

Cody: thanks mom!

Judy: your welcome!

*hags up*

Cody: she said yes!

Jr: great we are going to have a great night!

Cody: yeah!

{ to be continued}

(Hey guys thanks for reading is and all my other chapters thanks again!)

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