Part 8

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"I am very honored, Potter," Theo evilly grinned. "Let me get myself ready for you." He licked his lips and lightly tapped them with the pads of his fingers, making sure they were plump enough.

Harry inwardly groaned, dreading this next moment. Wanting to get it over with, he quickly bent down to give him a short peck, but Theo unexpectedly stood up to meet him face to face. Theo towered over Harry causing the poor former Gryffindor to feel ever so small and feeble.

Theo was thoroughly enjoying embarrassing the Chosen One and had no problem kissing another boy. He'd done his fair share of this at Slytherin parties whilst completely wasted. While he wasn't drunk off his arse at the moment, he was definitely buzzed enough to grab Harry behind the neck and bring his face low.

Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks grew warm. His gaze moved down towards Theo's lips and nervously awaited the inevitable collision.

Once their lips met, everyone burst with cheers and shouts. The group's laughter would've been heard for miles if Draco hadn't put a silencing charm around them. Harry tried to pull away as quick as he could, but Theo only tightened his grip on Harry's neck. Theo cracked his eyes open just a bit to look into Harry's, whom never shut his eyes close, and tossed him a devilish wink. Finally, Theo released one third of the golden trio and sat down next to Luna with a very satisfied smirk on his face.

"Nice job," Luna complimented.

Harry stood dazed for a few seconds before willing his muscles to move back to Ginny. His girlfriend was still wiping tears of laughter from her face when Harry in settled next to her.

"That was humiliating," Harry muttered. "I can't believe that just happened."

"Aww, baby," Ginny giggled, wrapping her arms around him. "You did great. I love you." Harry wiped his lips with his jacket sleeve, trying to rid himself of Essense of Nott.

"Your turn, Potter," Theo called as if nothing interesting happened in the last two minutes.

"R-Right," Harry stuttered. "Um, before that, can we all take another drink first? This is a little too much for my current intoxication state."

Everyone unanimously agreed, seeing that the game was getting a little more intense, and they all chugged some more Ogden's.

"Alright, how about Luna. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Luna chose.

"Oh, um . . . What should I choose?"
Harry whispered to Ginny. She shrugged in response and Harry frowned in thought. Coming up with nothing, he finally stated, "Um, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here."

"Dare stealer," Blaise said under his breath.

"I couldn't think of anything!" Harry whined. Ginny patted his shoulder and comforted her distraught boyfriend.

Luna stood up confidently and made her way to a certain witch. That witch widened her eyes upon seeing Luna walking over. The man sitting next to her smirked, excited to see what was about to go down with front row seats.

"I think you're the prettiest girl, Hermione," the small blonde grinned. "But of course, Ginny, Juliette, and Pansy are extremely gorgeous, as well."

"Thank you, Luna," Juliette said with an easy smile. "And very true, Hermione is definitely super pretty."

"Appreciate that, Lovegood," Pansy stated, tipping her head. "Maybe you aren't so looney after all."

"That's rude, Pansy," Ginny scolded. "But thank you, Luna. You're very gorgeous, as well."

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