Part 4

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At the dragon sculpture, Luna was completing her nargle inspection with her hands floating around the sculpture's curves and edges. She enjoyed the cool and crisp feeling it gave her fingers on such a warm and stuffy evening.

"Enjoying the décor, are you?"

Luna slowly raised her eyes meeting with none other than Theodore Nott.

"It's infested with nargles. But, yes, it's quite pretty and intricate," she responded.

Bewildered, Theo contorted his mouth. "What the hell are nargles?"

Luna smiled. "Oh, you don't have to worry, Theodore. I wore my butterbeer cork necklace," she pulled it out from under her dress. "It repels them. I can make you one, if you like."

He shook his head, contemplating whether or not he should the mental witch be. "Uh, no I'm alright, Lovegood."

Luna shrugged and turned her full attention to the tall, brunette wizard.

"How are you, tonight, Theodore? I was unaware you knew of my name."

"I could say the same about you," Theo eyed her, curiously. "Interesting dress choice, by the way."

Luna gazed down at her attire causing her long blonde locks to fall over her shoulder and block her view. She lifted her hair behind her ear and Theo silently watched her. The dreamy look in her eyes captured him.

"Thank you," she finally said. "Your hair's gotten longer."

Subconsciously, Theo ran a hand through his curly black hair. He had been growing it out a bit; it now gathered and curled at his ears.

"Yes, I suppose it has. I've gotten quite lazy," he chuckled.

She smiled at him. "I like it."

The former death eater was not expecting that response and allowed his mouth to slightly part. Just then, she stepped forward and reached forward with her fingers. He froze when Luna brushed her delicate hand under his chin and closed his mouth.

"Don't want nargles getting in there," she stated with a tone suggesting it was the most obvious answer.

The wizard stepped backwards away from her, bringing his hand up to where hers had just been.

"Uh, right. Nargles. I'll be going now," he mumbled and staggered away, utterly confused with the last five minutes of his life.

Luna's head followed Theo as he walked away, tilting her head. She found that he looked back at her more than once.

Once Theo was no longer in Luna's sights, he shook his shoulders trying to get rid of his jittery feelings. He was lost as to why he was feeling so nervous and squirmy all of a sudden. It was very unlike him to be caught off guard. Again, he brought his fingers to his chin and recalled the specific look in her silver-blue eyes.

"You alright there, Nott?" Blaise came around and placed a hand on Theo's shoulder and slightly shook it to get his attention.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, Zabini."

Blaise didn't look convinced. "You sure about that? You look the same as you did the day Pansy pranked you and told you that you had gotten her pregnant." Blaise snickered at the memory.

Theo glared at his friend. "That was a shite prank you all pulled." He straightened up and adjusted his bow tie. "I'm fine, though. It's—it's nothing."

"Didn't know Lovegood fell under the category of 'nothing,'" Blaise smirked.

Theo snapped his head up with wide eyes. "What did you say?"

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