Part 11

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[Some details in this story are not time period accurate, but I think it's fun! Blame tiktok LOL... Time to party :)]

While everyone was lost in their own individual thoughts, suddenly, an unexpected voice was heard.

"Oh, there you are!"

Draco turned his head as they all descended the final steps into the drawing room and found his mother rushing to him with open arms. She encircled him in a large hug and slightly pulled back to look at him.

"Where have you been?" She questioned with concern.

Draco shrugged. "I was just out on the balcony with friends." Draco's eyes slightly widened at the realization of him calling those people "friends." Ron made a disgusted face and pretended to gag.

Narcissa switched her shocked attention from on her son to Hermione holding his hand and then to Luna, Ron, Fred, Ginny and Harry behind them and her expression softened. A proud grin grew onto her face at the sight of Draco spending his time with his old school mates and letting go of old rivalries.

"Oh, I see," she said, finally releasing him of her bear tight hold. "Well, that's quite alright. Most people are beginning to leave now actually."

They all turned to the ballroom and saw that it was, in fact, beginning to thin out. Most of the older guests had departed, leaving the younger ones to linger around the refreshments or to mingle with others. The group all made their way inside the ballroom and directly headed for the drinks table to grab glasses of water.

Narcissa smiled with knowing eyes at all of them drinking water at the same time. Nope, definitely not suspicious at all. If she didn't know the real reason they were downing water like madmen, they almost looked like little children coming back inside to drink juice after a play date. Eventually, the Lady of the Manor excused herself to say farewell to other guests that were beginning to leave.

"So," Ron began after swallowing another gulp. He wiped his mouth with his expensive sleeve. "What's the plan now?" No one answered as they were unsure themselves.

Pansy spotted her new acquaintances and hurriedly made her way over to them. Even though she would never admit it aloud, they were alright. She didn't mind their presence and almost was happy to see them. Almost.

"Hello, Parkinson. Where are Nott and Zabini?" Ginny asked, looking around. They began to search for the missing two when Pansy pointed in the direction of a certain dark skinned wizard that only owned designer brands walking up onto the orchestra stage.  Following him up was the curly brunette wizard that took everything as a joke. The latter stooped down to the orchestra conductor, whispered in his ear, and suddenly the music stopped.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Theo's voice boomed as his wand tip was placed on his neck. Confused, the remaining guests turned their attentions to the stage where the two wizards were standing smugly.

"Oh, Merlin," Draco grumbled with a shake of his head.

Blaise flashed his blinding grin. "Who's ready to get this party started?!"

No one responded and not a single clap was heard as the crowd looked at each other in complete loss and puzzlement.

"Yikes," Ginny whispered under her breath and Pansy laughed along.

Blaise coughed awkwardly but then quickly recovered and brought his smile back to his face. A devious twinkle shone in his eyes this time and he repeated, "I said, who's ready to get this party started?!" Blaise, then, subtly waved his wand and suddenly random cheers and claps were heard from out of nowhere, prompting others in the crowd to join in to cheer and clap. Satisfied, Blaise smirked and looked to Theo.

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