Part 12

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"Oi, George!"

"Oi, Fred!"

George grinned brightly and tugged Juliette behind him as he spotted his brother in the dance crowd. He couldn't believe his eyes—a whole mosh pit at one of Narcissa's balls. This was truly the first of its kind. His brown eyes only widened when he caught sight of Narcissa joining in on the dancing, as well. She looked good.

Looking around, the paintings and wall decor were thumping to the loud bass, threatening to fall off their hooks. The plates and silverware clattered together and the champagne was spilling over the edges of the flutes. Fortunately, there was a cleaning enchantment placed so the minor spills and messes were instantly cleaned up.

In all of Juliette's years of knowing the Malfoy's, she definitely never thought she would live to see this day. An actual party at their manor. She could get used to this. Beaming brighter than George, she rushed forward, switching positions to where she was dragging him behind her towards the tight crowd.

"Hey, love birds!" Fred greeted happily, swaying to the music. "Wasted" by Tïesto was still playing, thankfully, and the pair wasted no time in beginning to bounce to the music. Fred led them towards their unlikely group of friends and they were welcomed with warm hugs and laughter—the contagious cheerful atmosphere too powerful to care about past rivalries.

Not one person failed to have a genuine smile painted on their face and the group was on a high. Theo and Blaise made sure to charm which few songs they wanted to play next and then stepped off the stage. Finding the group, they crossed their arms superiorly.

"Well?" Theo urged, expectantly.

"Well, what?" Ginny rolled her eyes, obviously knowing what he wanted but not wanting to give in.

"What do you say?" Blaise sang.

The group of Slytherins, Gryffindors, and a Ravenclaw remained silent, but smirked with amusement.

"Thank you Blaise and Theo for being the coolest fuckers in town and for turning this thing into a whole damn party! Also, you guys are super hot," Theo whispered in a high pitch voice with his hand on one side of his mouth, mimicking what he wanted to hear.

The girls giggled at his silly attempt while the guys all scoffed, good-naturedly. Their friendships were really starting to bloom before their eyes and no one could actually believe it nor wanted to say anything about it case it would ruin their progress.

"Thank you, guys, truly," Harry thanked with a kind smile. "I haven't had this much fun in Merlin knows how long."

"All in a day's work, Potter," Blaise bowed.

"Yeah, thank you," Fred and George said in unison.

"Don't do that again. That's fucking weird," Theo said to the twins while cringing. The two laughed and shook their heads. Blaise began to loosen his tie and then started bouncing, getting higher and higher with each bounce.

"Well? This is a party, for Salazar's sake! Let's dance!" Blaise hollered and started to get crazy on the dance floor.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Pansy quickly and expertly removed her high heels and tossed them to the side, bringing her three inches shorter. "You coming?"

"Me?" Ron looked down on her much smaller height with a gulp.

"No, the dementor behind you. Yes, you!" Pansy grabbed Ron's forearm and dragged him further into the sea of people. She rolled her eyes at Ron's nervousness and stiffness and slowly began to lead the dancing, showing him how to loosen up. Ron eventually calmed his nerves and gave her a smile, moving his arms.

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