Chapter 6

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Malcolm was startled. A man was bleeding badly in the little stream. He looked pretty weak. Malcolm relaxed the bow and walked over to him. He sat down in the stream in front of him.

"Are you really here?" The man asked weakly. Blood ran from his lips. He was wearing a tartan skirt too, so apparently he was a Scot.

"Yes. I'm really here. What happened? Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I ... I'm Sir Bon." He breathed.

"You are a knight?" Asked Malcolm, wide-eyed.

"I'm almost a knight." He muttered. "I'm still in training." Malcolm nodded.

"Are you injured?" Bon nodded and lazily rolled onto his side. An arrow was stuck in his stomach and he was badly injured. "How did that happen?" Malcolm asked in shock.

"A fight in the woods." Malcolm nodded again and stood up again. He went up to Gretsch. "Please don't leave me here!" Bon shouted weakly.

"No fear. I'm just getting my horse. I'll help you." Malcolm assured him and took Gretsch by the reins. He told the horse to lie down in the water, which it did. Bon wrapped his fingers in the horse's mane and pulled himself weakly up onto his back. Gretsch got up again. Malcolm sat down behind Bon and held him to himself. "I'll help you as best I can." Gretsch ran back the way they came from.

"How old are you, little one?" Bon asked weakly. His head hung down. He had lost quite a bit of blood.

"16. How old are you?"

"26." Bon muttered. Malcolm put his arms around him.

"Don't fall down, Bon." Bon chuckled softly.

"Do you think your parents will be mad if you bring me home to you? Are you a farm boy?" Malcolm started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Asked Bon weakly.

"I have no parents. I live alone with my little brother. So they won't mind. Don't you worry, Bon. I'll help you as best I can." Soon they had arrived at the hut. Malcolm rode into the stable and slowly helped Bon off the horse. Bon leaned heavily on the feeding beam. Malcolm quickly unsaddled Gretsch and then propped the young man into the house. "Angus! Get off the bed!" Malcolm yelled as the younger boy was still sitting on the bed, playing with his characters. Angus looked up and met Bon's eyes in shock. He got up from the bed. Malcolm carefully placed Bon on the bed and pulled away the covers and furs. "I'll take care of you first and then you have to sleep, okay?" Bon nodded weakly. "Angus, keep him awake. He mustn't fall asleep yet." Angus nodded as well and sat down next to Bon.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Bon." He breathed. "You?"


"Nice to meet you." Bon muttered and swallowed hard.

"Give him something to drink!" Malcolm called from outside. Angus nodded and filled a wooden cup with a little water, which he then slowly brought to Bon's lips. The older one swallowed it.

"Thanks." He muttered. Malcolm came into the cabin and closed the door behind him. He pulled a small chair by the bed. Malcolm dampened a towel and placed it on Bon's forehead. Bon gave him a weak look and was breathing hard.

"Everything will be fine. Now you're with us." Malcolm mumbled intently as he opened Bon's shirt and threw it on the floor, as it was dirty anyway. "Can you lay on your side?" Bon nodded and did it slowly. "Hold him tight, Ang." Angus nodded and grabbed Bon by the shoulders. "This is going to hurt now, Bon." Malcolm warned, pulling the arrow out. Bon shrieked in pain. "Sh. It's over. Everything is fine." Malcolm hummed with trembling hands. He had never done anything like this before and he was afraid of doing something wrong. He washed the wound clean. Bon was still moaning loudly. Then Malcolm got a needle and thread and began sewing the wound. The young man whimpered softly.

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